USATF Pacific

1998 Race Walking Results

Giulio de Petra Megawalk 10K – Oct 17, 1998


The Eighteenth Annual Giulio de Petra Megawalk 10K racewalk was held on
October 17,1998. This is a Pacific Association/USATF Grand Prix race. The
course is located on California State University Monterey Bay’s campus at
Fort Ord, California and is a certified 1K loop. The conditions were clear,
mild and calm.

Judged 10K Racewalk
Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
1 Bill Penner, PRO M 52 0:55:00 79.3%
2 Roger Wellborn, PRO M 47 0:58:26 71.8%
3 Quang Than, MPWWWC M 43 0:59:10 68.8%
4 Art Klein, SCTC M 45 0:59:17 69.7%
5 Dick Petruzzi, PRO M 65 0:59:23 82.8%
6 Nathan Williams, GGRW M 17 1:01:10 65.3%
7 Hansi Rigney, MPWWWC F 57 1:01:39 82.5%
8 John Doane, SCTC M 55 1:02:02 72.1%
9 Robert Eisner, PRO M 70 1:06:35 77.9%
10 Shirley Dockstader, MRW F 65 1:07:32 81.8%
11 Stu Kinney, GGRW M 58 1:07:53 67.7%
12 Virginia Fong, MRW F 43 1:08:18 66.0%
13 Doris Cassels, MRW F 59 1:08:55 75.2%
14 Helen Storrs, PRO F 32 1:10:31 59.5%
15 Leslie Brown, PRO F 30 1:13:58 56.7%
16 Phyllis Abbate, MRW F 57 1:15:16 67.6%
17 DeEtta Nicely, MPWWWC F 52 1:16:19 63.6%
18 Robbie Gonzalez-Dow, MPWWWC F 32 1:16:39 54.7%
19 Jon Borset, GGRW M 69 1:18:10 65.6%
Jim Fisher, MRW M 63 DNF
Shirley Parlan, MRW F 66 DNF
Buzz Schulte, MPWWWC M 63 DQ

GGRW, Golden Gate Race Walkers
MRW, Marin Race Walkers
MPWWWC, Monterey Peninsula Walk Walk Walk Club
PRO, Pacific Racewalk Organization
SCTC, Santa Cruz Track Club

Judges: Ron Daniel, Ann Gerhardt, Toni Harvey, Jim Petruzzi,
Charles Sheppard, Nancy Zielenski, Bob Wilson (Chief),
Mariko Kozuma (Recorder).

Founders’ Day 10K Championship

The Golden Gate Race Walkers held their Founders’ Day 10K Championship on
September 20, 1998 at Arrowhead Marsh in Oakland. This race is part of the
Pacific Association/USATF Racewalking Grand Prix. The conditions were
clear, cool, calm. The first overall, Bill Penner, won a $10.00 cash award
contributed by Pacific Racewalk Organization (PRO).

Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
1 239 Bill Penner, PRO M 51 0:54:46 79.0%
2 248 Jo Ann Nedelco, GGRW F 55 0:58:22 85.5%
3 242 Hansi Rigney, MPWWWC F 57 1:03:20 80.3%
4 252 John Doane, SCTC M 55 1:04:05 69.8%
5 231 Stu Kinney, GGRW M 58 1:10:33 65.1%
6 221 Betty Crews, GGRW F 64 1:10:57 77.0%
7 202 Lorraine Coppola, GGRW F 58 1:15:00 68.5%
8 251 Jon Borset, GGRW M 69 1:18:05 65.7%
9 219 Shirley Parlan, MRW F 65 1:27:53 62.8%
10 209 Ernest Lucken, GGRW M 83 1:34:31 65.1%
236 DeEtta Nicely, MPWWWC F 52 DQ
222 Paul Robertson, GGRW M 59 DQ

A 5K all comers race was held at the same time.

1 250 Robyn Stevens, WWF F 15 0:26:16 83.0%
2 234 Nathan Williams, GGRW M 17 0:26:33 71.7%
3 207 Marie McNulty, GGRW F 47 0:37:13 61.4%

GGRW, Golden Gate Race Walkers
MRW, Marin Race Walkers
MPWWWC, Monterey Peninsula Walk Walk Walk Club
PRO, Pacific Racewalk Organization
SCTC, Santa Cruz Track Club
WWF, West Wind Flyers

Judges: Leslie Brown, Toni Harvey, Dick Petruzzi, Jim Petruzzi,
Helen Storrs, Bob Wilson, Nancy Zielenski,
Therese Iknoian (Chief), Mariko Kozuma (Recorder).

Volunteers: Jim Fisher, Richard Hannon, Mort Landsberg,
Lorrie Leiker, Jean Lucken, Carolyn Nash, Harry Siitonen, Bob Smith,
Pam Webb, Roy Webb, Claudia Wilde, Paul Williams

Borset and Banning Winners in SMS 2 Mile

Jon Borset held up the best in the men’s race on a warm morning to capture
the Saturday Morning Series 2 Mile racewalk. For the first time in memory,
no one was able to do better than his estimated time. Anita Banning in the
women’s race, however, bettered her estimated time by 22 seconds in winning
the women’s race.

Men – Monitored 2 Mile
Pl Name Age Est. Start Actual AG % Pts
1 Jon Borset M 69 22:57 01:37 23:25 66.8% 10
2 Ernest Lucken M 83 23:41 00:53 24:32 76.3% 8
3 Ralph Wheeler M 64 24:34 00:00 25:37 57.8% 7
4 John Doane M 55 17:40 06:54 18:54 72.0% 6

Women – Monitored 2 Mile
Pl Name Age Est. Start Actual AG % Pts
1 Anita Banning F 79 26:35 00:00 26:13 77.6% 10
2 Marianne Lucchesi F 45 20:57 05:10 21:18 66.0% 8
3 Lorrie Leiker F 44 22:11 04:09 23:05 60.4% 7
4 Marie McNulty F 47 22:27 04:17 23:33 60.7% 6
5 Carolyn Nash F 51 23:04 03:15 25:06 58.8% 5

Est. – estimated time; Start – staggered start time; Actual –
race time; AG % – age-graded performance %; Pts – SMS points.

In the Saturday Morning Series, points are scored for the best two of the
three short races (1500m and 1 mile) and the best of two longer races (3000m
and 2 mile). The best of the races not scored for series points is used as
the first tie breaker and the second tie breaker is the maximum age-graded
performance percentage. The series standings with one race to go are:

Pl Name, Club Age Pts TB Max % #
1 Lorrie Leiker, GGRW F 44 20 7 62.9% 4
2 Anita Banning, GGRW F 79 20 0 77.6% 2
3 Carolyn Nash, GGRW F 51 18 5 64.0% 4
4 Marianne Lucchesi, GGRW F 45 15 7 66.0% 3
5 Grace Moremen, GGRW F 67 12 0 69.9% 2
6 Therese Iknoian, GGRW F 41 10 0 81.1% 1
7 Sarai Boyle, WWF F 12 10 0 81.0% 1
8 Sandy Womack, GGRW F 49 8 0 77.4% 1
9 Marie McNulty, GGRW F 47 6 5 60.7% 2
10 Judy Geldin, GGRW F 48 5 0 59.5% 1

Pl Name, Club Age Pts TB Max % #
1 Ernest Lucken, GGRW M 83 24 4 78.4% 4
2 John Doane, SCTC M 55 20 6 77.1% 4
3 Ralph Wheeler, GGRW M 64 19 5 60.3% 4
4 Jon Borset, GGRW M 69 16 10 68.1% 3
5 Mort Landsberg, GGRW M 65 10 0 63.1% 2
6 Gary Bower, GGRW M 55 8 0 69.1% 1
7 Rich Hansen, GGRW M 71 8 0 70.3% 2
8 Scott Boyle, WWF M 13 8 0 70.8% 1
9 Nathan Williams, GGRW M 17 7 0 77.5% 1
10 Bill Moremen, GGRW M 70 7 0 78.1% 1
11 Ron Daniel, PA Unat. M 57 4 0 72.6% 1
12 Kelvin Bush, WWF M 15 3 0 72.9% 1
13 Pedro Santoni, Unat. M 41 3 0 72.0% 1

Pts – SMS Points; TB – tie breaker points:
Max % – maximum age graded percentage; # – number of races

The last race in the series has been rescheduled to Saturday, September 12,
1998, at 9:00 am. The race is one mile and will be held at the College of
San Mateo at 9:00, registration fee is $2.00.

On October 10, 1998, The annual Tortoise and Hare race for SMS participants
will be held with the SMS awards to follow. The Tortoise and Hare is a two
by 1 mile relay race where the relay teams are the parings of the fastest
and slowest races, followed by the next fastest and next slowest, etc. The
T&H will be held at the College of San Mateo at 9:00 am, registration fee is

June 27, 1998
The Pacific Association/USATF 1500m Race Walk was held on Saturday June 27,
1998, 10:00 AM. The race was sponsored by the Santa Cruz Track Club and
held at Soquel High School track. The conditions were sunny, a comfortable
70 degree day. This is a racewalking Grand Prix event and the participants
aged 11 through 83.

Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
1 Dick Petruzzi, PRO M 65 7:36.9 88.9%
2 Bill Penner, PRO M 51 7:28.4 79.6%
3 Bill Moremen, GGRW M 70 9:02.7 79.0%
3 Ernest Lucken, GGRW M 83 10:42.8 79.0%
5 Kelvin Bush, WWF M 15 7:21.2 74.3%
6 Jim Fisher, MRW M 62 8:52.7 74.0%
7 John Doane, SCTC M 55 8:26.9 73.0%
8 Stu Kinney, GGRW M 58 8:55.8 70.9%
9 Jeffrey Thompson, PA Unat. M 12 9:26.7 61.6%

Judges: Ann Gerhardt, Therese Iknoian, Jim Petruzzi, Ron Daniel (Chief).

Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
1 Chris Sakelarios, RCRW F 38 7:13.9 83.2%
2 Therese Iknoian, GGRW F 41 7:26.4 82.7%
3 Bekka Marrs, PA Unat. F 11 8:25.4 81.5%
4 Grace Moremen, GGRW F 67 11:03.6 71.0%
5 Marianne Lucchesi, GGRW F 45 9:29.9 66.9%
6 Beverly Thomas, PA Unat. F 57 12:48.4 55.2%
Lani LeBlanc, MRW F 55 DQ

Judges: Ann Gerhardt, Dick Petruzzi, Jim Petruzzi, Ron Daniel (Chief).

June 13, 1998

The Pacific Association USATF Masters 5K Race Walk Championship was held at
Los Gatos High School track on June 13, 1998. The conditions were cloudy,
cool and light breezes.

Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
1 779 Chris Sakelarios, RCRW F 38 26:01.5 81.9%
2 748 Jo Ann Nedelco, GGRW F 55 27:52.8 87.9%
3 791 Art Klein, SCTC M 45 28:25.0 70.7%
4 749 John Doane, SCTC M 55 30:06.6 72.4%
5 294 Hansi Rigney, MPWWWC F 56 30:21.2 81.5%
6 770 Lani LeBlanc, MRW F 55 30:40.3 79.9%
7 752 Jim Fisher, MRW M 62 32:52.2 70.7%
8 765 Stu Kinney, GGRW M 58 32:54.2 68.0%
9 753 Lorraine Coppola, GGRW F 58 33:12.6 76.0%
10 741 Marie McNulty, GGRW F 47 35:55.1 63.6%
11 795 Jon Borset, GGRW M 69 36:43.2 68.0%
12 754 Ralph Wheeler, GGRW M 64 39:35.6 59.9%
13 701 Shirley Parlan, MRW F 65 39:51.4 68.1%
796 Tom Pait, GGRW M 73 DNF

GGRW, Golden Gate Race Walkers
MRW, Marin Race Walkers
MPWWWC, Monterey Peninsula Walk Walk Walk Club
RCRW, Redwood City Race Walkers
SCTC, Santa Cruz Track Club

Judges: Therese Iknoian, Jim Petruzzi, Helen Storrs,
Ron Daniel (Chief).

May 31, 1998

The USATF Pacific Association Open 5K Race Walk Championship was held at
>Stanford University on May 31, 1998. The conditions were clear, mild, and
> Pl Hip Name, Club Age Time AG%
> 1 1 Chris Sakelarios, RCRW F 38 26:01.0 81.9%
> 2 2 Robyn Stevens, WWF F 15 27:05.1 80.5%
> 3 3 Bill Penner, PRO M 51 27:12.9 77.4%
> 4 10 Therese Iknoian, GGRW F 41 27:36.4 78.9%
> 5 6 Dick Petruzzi, PRO M 65 28:24.9 84.2%
> 6 5 Art Klein, SCTC M 45 28:52.2 69.6%
> 7 8 Nicholas Sakelarios, RCRW M 35 28:58.8 64.8%
> 8 4 Brooke Szody, GGRW F 18 29:12.9 71.3%
> 9 7 Loribeth Jacobs, RCRW F 34 29:59.3 69.1%
> 10 9 Marianne Lucchesi, GGRW F 45 33:29.2 67.1%
>GGRW, Golden Gate Race Walkers
>PRO, Pacific Racewalk Organization
>RCRW, Redwood City Race Walkers
>SCTC, Santa Cruz Track Club
>WWF, West Wind Flyers
>Judges: Laura Cribbins, Lori Maynard, Helen Storrs, Ron Daniel (Chief),
>Leslie Brown (Recorder).

May 17, 1998

The USATF Western Regional 20 Km & Pacific Association 20 Km Racewalk
>Championships were held on Sunday, May 17, 1988 at the Embarcadero road
>course in Palo Alto, California. Also: a Women’s 10 Km Racewalk was held
>the same time. These events were hosted by the Golden Gate Race Walkers
>sponsored by: Palo Alto Department of Parks & Recreation. The conditions
>were cool, clear, light winds.
> Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
> 1 34 Mark Green, LVW M 42 1:33:20 88.5%
> 2 11 Steve Pecinosky, USAF M 43 1:39:39 83.5%
> 3 203 Marco Evoniuk, PA Unat. M 39 1:40:28 80.5%
> 4 200 David Crabb, LVW M 50 1:55:23 76.1%
> 5 38 Roger Wellborn, PRO M 46 1:57:11 72.6%
> 6 201 Bill Penner, PRO M 51 2:00:07 73.7%
> 7 196 Jim Fisher, MRW M 62 2:15:33 72.2%
> 8 29 Susan Mears, LVW F 43 2:17:59 69.0%
> 9 41 Gary Bower, GGRW M 55 2:20:50 65.1%
> 10 32 Bill Moremen, GGRW M 70 2:26:30 72.8%
> 11 16 Ernest Lucken, GGRW M 83 2:54:54 72.8%
> 12 195 Shirley Parlan, MRW F 65 3:06:26 62.9%
>Women’s 10K
>Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
> 1 118 Susan Armenta, Unat. F 24 0:47:39 88.0%
> 2 202 Molly Lavacek, Unat. F 32 0:49:06 85.4%
> 3 20 Chris Sakelarios, RCRW F 38 0:55:27 78.4%
> 4 198 Therese Iknoian, GGRW F 41 0:56:55 78.0%
> 5 30 Jo Ann Nedelco, GGRW F 54 0:57:40 85.7%
> 6 28 Loribeth Jacobs, RCRW F 34 1:00:55 69.4%
> 7 5 Marianne Lucchesi, GGRW F 45 1:08:59 66.4%
> 8 2 Leslie Brown, PRO F 30 1:13:07 57.4%
> 9 9 Lorraine Coppola, MRW F 58 1:14:46 68.7%
> 10 19 Grace Moremen, GGRW F 67 1:20:41 70.0%
>GGRW, Golden Gate Race Walkers
>LVW, Las Vegas Walkers
>MRW, Marin Race Walkers
>PA Unat., Pacific Association Unattached
>PRO, Pacific Racewalk Organization
>RCRW, Redwood City Race Walkers
>Unat., Unattached
>USAF, US Air Force
>Judges: Lori Maynard, Sonny Maynard, Dick Petruzzi, Jim Petruzzi,
>Helen Storrs, Ron Daniel (Chief), Sandy Womack (Recorder).

May 3, 1998

The Pacific Association/USA Track and Field 10 Km Racewalk Open & Master’s
>Championships and All Comers 5 Km were held Sunday, May 3, 1998 in Palo
>Alto, California. This event was hosted by the Golden Gate Race Walkers.
>The conditions were cool, partly cloudy and calm.
>Three teams of three walkers per team entered into the Team Challenge. The
>teams are named for the commodities offered as prizes to the winning team.
>The winning team is determined by the highest age-graded percentage total
>for the team. A calculation of the percentages after the race was based on
>table data that may have been from the first edition of the Age-Graded
>Tables published by WAVA. Calculation of these percentages by the current
>edition produced a slightly different result for each competitor and
>the outcome of the winning team.
>Team Challenge Results:
>Virgins: 234.7% (Extra virgin olive oil)
>Dick Petruzzi, 81.5%; Bill Penner, 76.9%; Bill Moremen, 76.3%
>Cots: 231.8% (Apricots)
>Hansi Rigney, 80.5%; Brierly Reybine, 76.7%; Lorraine Coppola, 74.6%
>Chocks: 207.5% (Giradelli chocolate)
>John Doane, 72.8%; Art Klein, 69.4%; Gary Bower, 65.3%
>Pacific Association/USA Track and Field 10K
> Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
> 1 4 Bill Penner, PRO M 51 0:56:17 76.9%
> 2 198 Therese Iknoian, GGRW F 41 0:58:58 75.3%
> 3 200 Laura Cribbins, GGRW F 40 0:59:10 74.5%
> 4 196 Art Klein, SCTC M 45 0:59:29 69.4%
> 5 28 Dick Petruzzi, PRO M 65 1:00:17 81.5%
> 6 195 John Doane, SCTC M 55 1:01:27 72.8%
> 7 17 Loribeth Jacobs, RCRW F 34 1:01:54 68.3%
> 8 197 Hansi Rigney, MPWWWC F 56 1:02:35 80.5%
> 9 27 Lani LeBlanc, MRW F 55 1:04:25 77.4%
> 10 199 Kelvin Bush, West Wind Flyers M 15 1:06:45 61.7%
> 11 41 Jim Fisher, MRW M 62 1:06:56 71.3%
> 12 118 Brierly Reybine, GGRW F 58 1:06:58 76.7%
> 13 22 Bill Moremen, GGRW M 70 1:08:01 76.3%
> 14 116 Gary Bower, GGRW M 55 1:08:31 65.3%
> 15 14 Stu Kinney, GGRW M 58 1:08:38 67.0%
> 16 2 Lorraine Coppola, MRW F 58 1:08:53 74.6%
> 17 11 Rich Hansen, GGRW M 71 1:15:27 69.5%
> 18 19 Jon Borset, GGRW M 69 1:18:40 65.2%
> 19 38 Ernest Lucken, GGRW M 82 1:20:10 75.6%
> 20 35 Ralph Wheeler, GGRW M 63 1:20:57 59.5%
> 21 20 Shirley Parlan, MRW F 65 1:29:30 61.7%
> 26 Nathan Williams, GGRW M 17 DQ
>All Comers 5K
>Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
> 1 37 Robyn Stevens, West Wind Flyers F 15 0:26:53 81.1%
> 2 23 Sandy Womack, GGRW F 49 0:30:31 76.1%
> 3 194 Marianne Lucchesi, PA Unat. F 45 0:36:09 62.2%
>GGRW, Golden Gate Race Walkers
>MPWWWC, Monterey Peninsula Walk Walk Walk Club
>MRW, Marin Race Walkers
>PA Unat., Pacific Association Unattached
>PRO, Pacific Racewalk Organization
>RCRW, Redwood City Race Walkers
>SCTC, Santa Cruz Track Club
>Judges: Bob Bowmen, Lori Maynard, Jim Petruzzi, Helen Storrs,
>Bob Wilson, Toni Harvey (Chief), Ron Daniel (Recorder).

April 5, 1998

>WINS 25 Km Open & Master’s Racewalk was held on Sunday, April 5, 1998, in
>William Land Park in Sacramento, California
>Insisting on Natural Shapes & Sierra RaceWalkers . The course is a flat
>2.5K certified loop. The conditions were overcast, calm and cool.
> Pl Bib Name, Club Age Time AG%
> 1 75 Mike Rohl, PCAC M 32 2:05:44 79.7%
> 2 18 Stan Charminski, Pacific Pacers M 50 2:28:59 75.1%
> 3 14 Bob Novak, Pacific Pacers M 48 2:31:09 72.9%
> 4 41 Jo Ann Nedelco, GGRW F 54 2:36:42 86.5% *
> 5 7 Art Klein, SCTC M 44 2:40:40 66.4%
> 6 55 Bev LaVeck, Pacific Pacers F 61 2:43:43 88.9% *
> 7 66 Hansi Rigney, MPWWWC F 56 2:48:55 81.8%
> 8 26 Jim Fisher, MRW M 62 2:53:18 72.2%
> 9 87 Brierly Reybine, GGRW F 58 2:56:19 80.0%
> 10 1 Gary Bower, GGRW M 54 2:56:57 65.5%
> 11 59 Fred Belt, SRW M 58 3:02:49 65.8%
> 12 22 Stu Kinney, GGRW M 58 3:14:26 61.8%
> 13 33 Jon Borset, GGRW M 68 3:24:20 65.3%
> 71 Diane Tempest, F 51 DNF
> 93 Donna Carrigg, Team In Training F 54 DQ
> 84 Bob Jensen, M 55 DQ
>* Pending American age group record.
>Three 3-person teams accepted the WINS 25K Challenge for the best team
>age-graded scoring. The challenging teams were required to put up local
>delectables for the winning team. The team results are: 1st – Aplets,
>236.9% (Stan Charminski, Bob Novak and Bev LaVeck); 2nd – Apricots, 234.0%
>(Hansi Rigney, Jim Fisher and Brierly Reybine); Giradelli, 218.4% (Jo Ann
>Nedelco, Art Klein and Gary Bower).
>On an adjacent one mile course, and unjudged 15 Mile racewalk was held.
>finishers were: Sharleene McLeod, Sierra Race Walkers; Kathryn Rogers; Meg
>Smavely, Team in Training; Paul Smith, Sierra Racewalkers. Also
>participating but not finishing in the time limit were: Katy Hammans, Holly
>Synhorst and Mimi Veiga.
>GGRW, Golden Gate Race Walkers
>MPWWWC, Monterey Peninsula Walk Walk Walk Club
>MRW, Marin Race Walkers
>PCAC, Park City Athletic Club
>SCTC, Santa Cruz Track Club
>SRW, Sierra Race Walkers

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