USATF Pacific

Thom Trimble: Founder of

Thom Trimble, In Memoriam


Thom Trimble at the 2009 California International Marathon
where, at age 50, he finished in 2:48.

The Pacific Association lost a dear friend, key volunteer, and accomplished athlete in early January 2015. He was the founder of, the first USATF website (est. 1996), a cutting edge effort for both the Pacific Association and the national governing body of our sport, USA Track & Field. Below you will learn more about Thom and all he did for his running friends, his family, clubs, and USATF Pacific.

Thom Trimble RIP 1959-2015
From the Strawberry Canyon Track Club

Our club was absolutely devastated by the sudden passing on of a true legend, Thom Trimble. This loss has been felt beyond our club as well as the Pacific Association of USATF, as sentiments poured in nationwide. Thom Trimble died suddenly of a heart attack while out running In Newhall Park in Concord on Saturday morning of January 3rd.

He is survived by his wife, Mary Lothrop-Trimble, his former wife, Laurie Mathews, and two daughters. They, along with his closest friends in the club, John Monteverdi, Tim Keenan, Carl Rose, Bill Brusher, Jeff Teeters, Rob Elia, Bill Salacuse, Jeff Mann, Matt Bogdanowicz, as well as many of the former club members and younger members were shocked and dismayed by the news of his passing.

The word that aptly describes Thom was “mentor” and he was just that. Thom and John Monteverdi founded the original East Bay Striders in 1983, and Carl Rose became a member in 1985. It became the Pacific Striders in the 1990s and coalesced into the Strawberry Canyon Track Club in 2009. Thom coached the club from 1983-2008 and then Carl Rose took over that role for Thom so he could spend more time with his family.

Thom also wrote the dry and witty race write-ups that only he could create, and he was also responsible for creating the Pacific Association of USATF’s web site and was its webmaster for many years. His creative genius and dry wit will be sorely missed. Thom was a very devoted family man who went to virtually every soccer game and track meet his daughters competed in. Not a bad word was ever spoken about Thom.

Thom was also a fierce competitor, having run a 1:09.28 at the SF Home Depot Half Marathon in 1991, which still stands as our club record. Thom was also a monster, particularly in cross country races. He ran a 2:48 marathon at Cal International marathon at age 50.

Thom’s health was always very sound, excepting a spate of running-related injuries. He was lean, active and trim and with a happy and positive attitude, so his sudden passing was truly unexpected. The SCTC offers this advice to all masters runners: PLEASE GO AND GET YOURSELVES CHECKED OUT!

Thom was a competitor till the end. His last email to Coach Carl Rose (two days before he passed) was a link on how to improve hamstring strength to prevent injuries, something he had been coping with.

RIP Thom Trimble – a great friend, coach, mentor, father figure, storm chaser, and volunteer/pioneer web master.

A Thom Trimble Memorial Fund for the education of his daughters (Wells Fargo Bank account #5242617735) has been established for those who wish to make a contribution in his memory.

Testimonial To Thom: Running and Storm Chasing
from John Monteverdi

I have suffered a terrible loss in my life. Thom Trimble, my best friend of many years, whom I have known since 1982, died yesterday at the age of 55. I know this sounds corny, but he died doing one of the things he loved doing the most, in the midst of a run.

This is the biggest blow to Mary Lothrop Trimble and to his two children, and his siblings, his parents, and to his former wife Laurie Matthews.

But also the loss of Thom is devastating to me personally. His absence will leave a gap that never can be filled. He was a constant support, a running mentor, a best friend, a partner in storm chasing and in the running clubs we founded. Thom, I hope you have peace at this moment and forever. You loved and were loved. Many people will be affected by your absence. Rest in peace, my dear friend.

In Memoriam (for Thom),

With you a part of me hath passed away;
For in the peopled forest of my mind
A tree made leafless by this wintry wind
Shall never don again its green array.
Chapel and fireside, country road and bay,
Have something of their friendliness resigned;
Another, if I would, I could not find,
And I am grown much older in a day.
But yet I treasure in my memory
Your gift of charity, and young hearts ease,
And the dear honour of your amity;
For these once mine, my life is rich with these.
And I scarce know which part may greater be,–
What I keep of you, or you rob from me.
George Santayana