USATF Pacific

2014 USATF Outdoor Open Track & Field Championships

Relive the 2014 USATF Outdoor Track & Field Championships!

Presented by The Pacific Association/USATF and the Sacramento Sports Commission



Updated July 8, 2014

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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Junior Athlete Spotlight – Trinity Wilson



PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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TRACKBAG Last Updated April 28, 2011



You ever feel frazzled at the thought of packing for a track meet, like finding yoursef pulling your hair out at te last minute and grabbing items on your way out te door? It’s probably because of the worry of what needs to be taken to ensure a great and comfortable time. The task can be a crazy and chaotic project, which often leaves most parents wondering if packing is worth the effort involved! Here are a few items you can throw in your Track Bag to suit your own needs and insure your peace of mind!








Stadium comfort


  • Stadium or Lawn Chairs
  • Blanket and/or Sleeping Bag
  • Tent and Tarp
  • Magazine/Books
  • Personal interest items (ie: Knitting)
  • Ipod with ear phones
  • Change of Clothes
  • Small Umbrella
  • Pocket Camera and/or Video Camera Sunscreen


    Food Necessities


  • Cooler
  • Paper towels/Napkins
  • Paper plates and utensils
  • Cutting knife
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Small salt and pepper shakers
  • 2 trash kitchen trash bags
  • 2 large zip lock bags(for ice or packing something to keep water proof)
  • Roll of aluminum foil


    Routine Food Items


  • Ice
  • Water bottles
  • Fruit drinks
  • Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • Honey
  • Pre wash Lettuce
  • Dressing
  • Wheat Bread
  • Assorted Nuts
  • Turkey Meat
  • Whey Protein
  • perishable preparations(mayonaise,mustard,ketcup)


    Coaching Items


  • Spikes & Spike Wrench
  • Batons
  • Athletic Tape
  • Medical Bag (ie: Bandages.Asprins..Ice Pack.)
  • Pain Relief Cream
  • Kinesthetic Tape
  • Pencil/Pen and Note Pad
  • Stop watch






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  • PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

    Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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    Coaches Please save the date. Our annual Coaches meeting will be held Saturday, October 22nd, from 10am – 2pm. We will be sending out a memo shortly.





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    PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

    Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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    Seed Times: whole lies out of half truths


    How many times have we seen this?


    A Coach has entered a seed time for his/her Athletes that were listed as a race result. You can

    PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

    Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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    Hercules Running Rebels and the Top Pacers Invitational Preview


    San Pablo, CA.- The Pacific Association will travel across the bay this weekend to San Pablo, California to compete in The Hercules Running Rebels and the Top Pacers Track Club Invitational. The meet will take place Sat-Sun May 21-22 at Contra Costa College Stadium.


    The meet begins Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. with field events. The Track events start at 9:00am with the Midget Girls 4×800 Relay, continuing thru to the Open Mens 800. Then there will be a Parent Appreciation Ceremony to honor Parent and Guardians before competition resumes with the 110m Hurdles.


    The Hercules Running Rebels and the Top Pacers Track Club Invitational has traditionally produced several standout performances. The top sections of the 4×800, 100 meters, Hurdles, 800 meters and the 3,000 meters are all slated for Saturday. All together 28 events will be contested involving post-high school and high school runners. The top eight men and women from Saturday’s preliminaries will advance to the finals.


    The meet will continue on Sunday with the Sub-Bantam Girls 4x100m Relay, Race walk, 200 meter finals, 1500 meters, 200 Hurdles, 100 meter finals and finally the 4×400 Relay.


    Competing at the Invitational will be a mixture of Pacific Association and regional programs with such teams as Phoenix Gliders, Cougar Speed, Team Onalysis, Revolution Express and the Sacramento Speed just to name a few


    The Hercules Running Rebels and the Top Pacers Track Club Invitational begins at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 21 and is free to the public. Parking outside the track will also be free and available on a first come first serve basis.





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    PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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    Qualified Athletes Last Updated April 27, 2011


    Cheri Spigner


    Many parents and student athletes are unaware of the NCAA Eligibility Center process, which is the gateway to collegiate athletic participation. As a result, Qualified Athletes was formed. The goal of QA is to educate student athletes, parents, counselors and coaches about the NCAA process in order to increase college eligibility.


    Qualified Athletes is an organization providing academic analysis, education planning, and NCAA application advising to student athletes. QA works with school districts, youth athletic organizations and families. QA assess the student

    PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

    Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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    Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational YOUTH Clinic Last Updated April 26, 2011



    Stanford University – Sunday May 1, is the Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational YOUTH Clinic.. (for kids under 14 years of age) We will be able to be coached BY the STANFORD Track Coaches at the Stanford Track!


    The Stanford Track & Field Director/ Head Coach, Edrick Floreal, will introduce the Staff & Team…and Coach Joy Upshaw (Jackrabbits Track Club) will direct the clinic! 🙂 The kids will be divided into age groups & we will rotate them to the different stations of Events: Jumps, Throws, Sprints/Hurdles & Distance/Racing strategy! Autograph Signing after! Bring your camera for photos as your kids are being coached by the great Stanford Coaches! Yay! Fantastic Opportunity!!


    Sign In is 9:45am…START TIME 10:00am sharp! Finish time is by 11:15…(Clinic is Free) INVITE your friends!!


    The Clinic is before the Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational Meet (first event is the javelin at noon) Hope you have the opportunity to see some of the meet ,too!:


    The Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational will be one of the premier track and field meets of the outdoor season. Hundreds of elite college, professional, and international athletes will compete as they prepare for the Pac 10 Championships,NCAA Championships & World Meet Qualifying… The Invitational Distance Carnival consistently produces collegiate records, American records, and Olympic “A” qualifying standards. Stanford’s Cobb Track and Angell Field will serve as the setting for these electrifying performances. Please come out and support this world-class meet that will include many of Stanford’s own. It’s an event you don’t want to miss!


    Stanford Track Website








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    PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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    Kellie Wells, America’s Newest Track Superstar, Is No Longer Running From Her Past



    Don’t tell anyone, he said.


    For four years, she heard that from him.


    Don’t tell anyone.


    And for years, she didn’t tell a soul.


    Then, one night in 10th grade, she decided she was going to defy this man. She was going to tell someone. She was tired of being afraid and tired of being hurt. She was tired of being a victim.


    That night she said goodbye to her childhood bedroom, and said goodbye to abuse.




    Kellie Wells is 28 now. She is one of the top hurdlers in the world, and one of the best hopes for Team USA in the 2012 Olympics. Recovered from a devastating hamstring tear during U.S. Trials in 2008, Wells is running faster than ever. Last weekend, she became the U.S. national champion in the 100-meter hurdles with a 12.50 time in the final, announcing her candidacy to be one of the best American stories at the London Games. For the first time in August, at World Championships, she will be wearing the Red, White and Blue of the U.S.A.


    “I am so excited to represent my country,” Wells says. “To make a U.S. team is such an honor and I’m looking forward to making my country, friends, and family proud.”


    And yet the nightmare is just as alive inside her as the dream. Sometimes she wonders if there would be a dream without the nightmare. Would she have made it to the precipice of Olympic glory without being on the precipice of personal destruction?


    Could she chase gold this way if not for all those years when the demons chased her?




    Wells’ chase started in middle school in Virginia; that’s where she started running after her older sister, Tonni. The Wells family all ran, in fact, whether long-distance or sprints. “The sprinter

    PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

    Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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    CA Track Club Youth Track Meet Review


    By Alexander Hill:


    Oakland, Calif. – Track and Field opened with a bang as the red carpet was rolled out for another season of Junior Olympic hopefuls.


    April 16 marked the completion of the CA Youth Track Meet from Skyline High School. Hundreds of Teams and unattached athletes participated in the one-day meet that annually provides some of the best competition in the association.



    This year was no different with everyone in full stride, all brought their favorites for a day of excitement and the familiar faces in the crowd were a kind reminder that the 2011 USA Track and Field Season are officially underway!


    Things got off to a rollin start in the Sprints as the day unfolded with some very solid performances. The Midget Girls are in the spot light this year with firepower up front. Leading the charge for the Midget girls was Kara Awakoaiye (CATC) in the MG 80 Hurdles as she went to victory with a Personal Best of 13.42. Also with a Personal Best and following in a close Second was Sydnie Bunel (LSI). In the Midget Boys section we saw Jonathan Hall (3MTC) with an easy win, crossing the line in 14.09. Behind him was Oakland Pal’s Ramon Sims (16.72) to take the silver.


    Back to compete her last season in age Group Track and Field, Youth Girls, Nia Vance of B-Sharp took the tape in the 100 Hurdles. In a time of 15.33 just slightly off the meet record of 15.21. In her first year as a youth was Artearra Coffey (OAK-PAL) to take home the silver (16.87) and Arnold Mackenzie of the newly formed 1438 Revolution was there to take the Bronze (17.15). On the Boys side emerging from the field it would be Dante Johnson (CATC) to victory (15.14), with 3M’s Standout Armand Shyne close on his heels (15.55). Shyne’s teammate Joshua Hall would take the bronze just in front of Marcus McCollumn of Fast Forward who would take the fourth spot.


    Perhaps one of the biggest rivalries cooking this season is in the Bantam Boys 400m Relay between Phenom Elite and Hercules Running Rebels. Setting last year

    PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

    Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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    Fall Training Tour With Coach Cook of CA Track Club


    If you’re interest in having your club featured on the Fall Training Tour, Please contact Alexander Hill: 408.209.4386 or [email protected] Head Coach Jamal Cook OAKLAND, CA – With members of the CA track and field team hard at work in fall training preparing for the start of the 2011 season, they welcomed a strong recruiting class to the track as they part ways with some oustanding seniors. looking to join the national championship chase once again in the spring and summer. I recently had the opportunity to talk with Coach Cook to see where training is taking him this year.


    1. As we’re at the end of the cross-country season, the fall training for your track & field athletes has begun. Let’s begin with the sprinters. Where are they right now in their conditioning program?


    We are just finishing a general preparation phase and starting on speed. During the general preparation phase, we spend time on technique, properly doing drills correctly, and building core strength. I spend a lot of time focusing on starts, acceleration, and speed. The early part of the season is key to teaching the student athletes how to conduct themselves on an off the track.


    2. With practice about to begin for most of the student-athletes across the country, what is your basic training philosophy in the fall as you prepare your team for the season?


    My basic philosophy for the youngest to the oldest student athlete is focused around 3 A