USATF Pacific

2014 USATF Outdoor Open Track & Field Championships

Relive the 2014 USATF Outdoor Track & Field Championships!

Presented by The Pacific Association/USATF and the Sacramento Sports Commission



Updated July 8, 2014

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

/*margin and padding on body element can introduce errors in determining element position and are not recommended; we turn them off as a foundation for YUI CSS treatments. */ body { background-color: #262A39; word-break: normal; font-family: “Lucida Grande”, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; } #hd, .yui-layout-unit-top { background-color: #262A39; } #bd, .yui-layout-unit-center { color: black; border-color: 6192c8; border-style: solid; font-family: “Lucida Grande”, Verdana, Arial; background-color: white; } #ft, .yui-layout-unit-bottom { background-color: 6192c8; color: #fff; }


Damn the 200 “Full Speed Ahead”


From the makers of // Popup window code function newPopup(url) { popupWindow = url,’popUpWindow’,’height=700,width=800,left=10,top=10,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes’) } How to Race the 200 meters

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

/*margin and padding on body element can introduce errors in determining element position and are not recommended; we turn them off as a foundation for YUI CSS treatments. */ body { background-color: #262A39; word-break: normal; font-family: “Lucida Grande”, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; } #hd, .yui-layout-unit-top { background-color: #262A39; } #bd, .yui-layout-unit-center { color: black; border-color: 6192c8; border-style: solid; font-family: “Lucida Grande”, Verdana, Arial; background-color: white; } #ft, .yui-layout-unit-bottom { background-color: 6192c8; color: #fff; }


The National Elite Youth Ranking System


The Elite Youth Ranking System is a database of thousands of performances by thousands of athletes during the outdoor track and field season. These performances are from USATF and AAU Association, Regional and National Championships, from CYO meets, from the largest most popular Invitational Meets, and from local meets near you.






Sub-Bantam Girls


100 Meters
200 Meters
400 Meters
800 Meters
1500 Meters
Long Jump


Sub-Bantam Boys


100 Meters
200 Meters
400 Meters
800 Meters
1500 Meters
Long Jump


Bantam Girls


100 Meters
200 Meters
400 Meters
800 Meters
1500 Meters
Race Walk
Long Jump
Triple Jump
High Jump
Shot Put


Bantam Boys


100 Meters
200 Meters
400 Meters
800 Meters
1500 Meters
Race Walk
Long Jump
Triple Jump
High Jump
Shot Put


Midget Girls


100 Meters
200 Meters
400 Meters
80M Hurdles
800 Meters
1500 Meters
Race Walk
Long Jump
Triple Jump
High Jump
Shot Put


Midget Boys


100 Meters
200 Meters
400 Meters
80M Hurdles
800 Meters
1500 Meters
Race Walk
Long Jump
Triple Jump
High Jump
Shot Put


Youth Girls


100 Meters
200 Meters
400 Meters
100M Hurdles
200M Hurdles
800 Meters
1500 Meters
Race Walk
Long Jump
Triple Jump
High Jump
Shot Put


Youth Boys


100 Meters
200 Meters
400 Meters
100M Hurdles
200M Hurdles
800 Meters
1500 Meters
Race Walk
Long Jump
Triple Jump
High Jump
Shot Put




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PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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2011 East Bay Heat All Comers Last Updated April 25, 2011


Because of the unconventional format of the results. We are acccepting request to have them mailed to you if needed. Please e-mail me at Alexander Hill – PA Communications if you would like to have the results mailed to you.




Copyright PA/USATF©2010 All Rights Reserved. (function() { var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom, Event = YAHOO.util.Event; Event.onDOMReady(function() { var layout = new YAHOO.widget.Layout(‘doc1’, { height: Dom.getClientHeight(), //Height of the viewport width: Dom.get(‘doc1’).offsetWidth, //Width of the outer element minHeight: 150, //So it doesn’t get too small units: [ { position: ‘top’, height: 120, body: ‘hd’ }, { position: ‘bottom’, height: 25, body: ‘ft’ }, { position: ‘center’, body: ‘bd’, width: 300 grids: true } ] }); layout.on(‘beforeResize’, function() { Dom.setStyle(‘doc1’, ‘height’, Dom.getClientHeight() + ‘px’); }); layout.render(); //Handle the resizing of the window Event.on(window, ‘resize’, layout.resize, layout, true); }); })(); var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”); document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-2651783-1″); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} _qoptions={ qacct:”p-72cL-7RSrrmhE” }; Quantcast

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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In Memory of Arefany Wynn
Arefany Wynn


Never does a community feel so helpless as when trying to speak comfort for another’s loss.


To Coach Brunet Lux and Family, know that you have our sincere condolences on the loss of your Son Arefany and know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in our hearts as well and all those who knew him.


Arefany Wynn, a Pacific Association member started participating in track at a young age. He joined his father Brunet Lux Cofounder and Head Coach of Umoja Track club, where he started his athletic career. Eventually giving up Track to pursue his Love for Basketball, Arefany followed his sport into College where he grew as a young man.


Inspired by his Mother’s Heritage and Culture, he decided to take a break from school and in 2009 Arefany took his first trip to his Mother’s homeland of Ethiopia. There he lived for a while meeting Family and Friends and immersing himself in Ethiopian culture. This gentle and soft spoken young man was finally starting to find himself


Please join us and the rest of the track community as we help one of our own. The Lux family will be accepting donation in care of Arefany Wynn. If you would like to help or know someone who would please help by making a donation.


To Donate by mail, you can send Checks or Money orders to:


Name: Arefany Wynn Memorial
Postal address
P.O. Box 2762, Santa Clara, CA 95055
or call (408) 464-9947






(function() { var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom, Event = YAHOO.util.Event; Event.onDOMReady(function() { var layout = new YAHOO.widget.Layout(‘doc1’, { height: Dom.getClientHeight(), //Height of the viewport width: Dom.get(‘doc1’).offsetWidth, //Width of the outer element minHeight: 150, //So it doesn’t get too small units: [ { position: ‘top’, height: 120, body: ‘hd’ }, { position: ‘bottom’, height: 25, body: ‘ft’ }, { position: ‘center’, body: ‘bd’, width: 300 grids: true } ] }); layout.on(‘beforeResize’, function() { Dom.setStyle(‘doc1’, ‘height’, Dom.getClientHeight() + ‘px’); }); layout.render(); //Handle the resizing of the window Event.on(window, ‘resize’, layout.resize, layout, true); }); })(); var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”); document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-2651783-1″); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} _qoptions={ qacct:”p-72cL-7RSrrmhE” }; Quantcast

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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Deadline for Registration Joanne Slaton-Camargo Youth Chair Pacific Association


This Memo is for PA/USATF Coaches, Parents and Volunteers from 2010 with background checks, but not registered yet for 2011.




The month of March is almost over which means the deadline to register for the 2011 track and field and cross country season is fast approaching. As in the past, your renewal is mandatory by March 31st to keep your background screening in tact.


Since you are currently registered, the association paid for your live scan when you first registered. If you do not renew before March 31st, you will be required to do another live scan, but at your own expense. Therefore, if you are not yet registered for 2011, please do go online to and renew your membership with USA Track and Field.


Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions at 510 879-8642 M-F from 10 am

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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2011 Background Check List Last Updated March 1, 2011


California State Law requires us to check background information for our current members only! You must renew your USATF membership by March 31 2011! Due to this law, if you did not renew your USATF membership by March 31, you will not be cleared for 2011 until you:


  • 1. Renew your USATF membership
  • 2. Get another background check at your own expense.


Below are listed Pacific Association coaches, officals and volunteers who have been approved by the Pacifc Association USATF Background Investigation Process.


Please e-mail me at George Paddeck For questions about this process


How to Obtain Your Livescan Background Check

Youth Background Check Information and Request for Live Scan Service


Background Check Clearance List by Last Name

This list was updated March 1, 2011


Last Name First Name Affiliation/Position USATF Number Alexander Mark UNATTACHED 6110476638 Allred Deron Christian Team Ministries 6112254538 Armstrong Anna Hercules Running Rebles 6111083938 Arnold James (Jim) Revolution Express TC 6113026638 Arnold Melissa Revolution Express TC 6112898938 Aubert Ladonna MP Striders TC 6110567238 Avilla Robert Central Valley Road Runners 6110558138 Backer Sandra Marin Race Walkers/OFFICIAL 6111882438 Baldwin Gerri Unattached 6110483238 Banas Amy Diablo Valley TC 6112373338 Banducci Joanne UNATTACHED 6112491338 Barodte James San Luis Distance Club 6111087038 Barr Adarian Revolution Express TC 6112896338 Benoy Robert OFFICIAL 6110334738 Benson Craig UNATTACHED 6111821238 Berry James Speedalight Elite 6110581338 Blackwell Diane Oakland PAL 6110265338 Blake Suzanne (Susie) UNATTACHED 6111021938 Boot Michael OFFICIAL 6110384238 Broussard Donna Full Stride Track Club/OFFICIAL 6111265238 Brown Roscoe UNATTACHED 6112872438 Bryant Carl Central Valley Road Runners 6111605938 Buchongo Monina Hercules Running Rebles 6111276938 Burns Samuel (Sam) Hilltop Speed 6112547238 Camargo Anthony Hampton Phillips Classic TC/OFFICIAL 6110346138 Camargo Joanne Hampton Phillips Classic TC/OFFICIAL 6110259638 Camargo Mario Hampton Phillips Classic TC 6110352938 Campbell Otis Team Onalysis 6111796638 Canimo Peter Natomas Youth TC 6111896438 Cardey Andrea Napa TC 6112301438 Cardey Steven Napa TC 6112327938 Carley Mark MP Striders 6112342838 Castillo Maria EOYDC/OFFICIAL 6112368338 Chan Andrew Pamakids 6111526738 Chen Jorge UNATTACHED 6110506038 Chenette Paul UNATTACHED 6111142338 Clark Russell Berkeley East By TC 6110756138 Colman Bruce OFFICIAL 6110017838 Colman Jerry Sacramento TC/OFFICIAL 6113040738 Connors Richard OFFICIAL 6111284338 Connors Shirley OFFICIAL 6111285038 Cooks Jamal CA Track Club 6110960938 Cooper Mary San Luis Distance Club 6110129138 Cordray Lacy Peninsula Youth Track 6112538138 Coulter Dennis Castro Valley TC 6113115738 Coulter Patricia UNATTACHED 6111935038 Creighton Susan Revolution Express TC 6111930138 Cribbins Laura Golden Gate Race Walkers/OFFICIAL 6110401438 Curran William UNATTACHED 6113137138 Curry Michael Golden State Throwers 6112340238 Davis Thresa MP Striders TC 6112136438 Day Sharon UNATTACHED 6110122638 DesJardins Charles Tamalpa Runners/OFFICIAL 6110019438 Dibrell Aliya CA Track Club/OFFICIAL 6110959138 Dixon Evangela Oakland PAL 6112362638 Dixon Margaret Oakland PAL 6112359238 Doggett James Tri-Valley Vault Athletics/OFFICIAL 6110992238 Doggett Michelle Tri-Valley Vault Athletics/OFFICIAL 6110991438 Duncan Michael Asics Aggies RC 6110411338 Eggman Allen UNATTACHED 6110123438 Evans Richard "Hoy" American Canyon Striders 6110552438 Evans Scott UNATTACHED 6111855038 Fong Benny Hayward Area TC 6110337038 Frazier Linda Buffalo Chips RC 6110237238 Gallero Jeffery Sierra Foothill Track Club 6112309738 Garoutte Christopher Piedmont T&F 6111341138 Gilkey Jeffrey UNATTACHED 6112257838 Grace Kenneth (Ken) Shabo Track Club 6110675338 Grace Russell Christian Team Ministries 6110516938 Grady Dwayne Panther Track 6112797338 Gray Alexander Revolution Express Express/OFFICIAL 6112094538 Green Lisa Pleasonton Heat 6113092838 Hammerquist Michael 3M TC/OFFICIAL 6111753738 Hampton Darrell Acorn/Oscar Bailey TC 6112614038 Hanratty James OFFICIAL 6112959938 Harding Don Stockton Saints TC/OFFICIAL 6111864238 Harrison Heidi San Louis Distance Club 6111447638 Hartman Joseph Buffalo Chips RC 6112354338 Harvey Debra 3M TC/OFFICIAL 6111914538 Harvey Stanley 3M TC 6111751138 Harvey William UNATTACHED 6110338838 Hassan Demetrius Mission Valley TF 6112244638 Hawthrone Stephen MP Striders 6110795938 Hay David Marin Waves TF Club 6110304038 Hayashi Yuko Maccando Tenderloin Youth/OFFICIAL 6111497138 Hayes Theodore OFFICIAL 6110165538 Haynes Elmer Golden West Athletic Club 6112527438 Heberle John OFFICIAL 6110279438 Hennelly Catherine Mission Multisport 6111238938 Herigstad Teresa UNATTACHED 6110273738 Herman Irene Impala Racing Team/OFFICIAL 6110059038 Hernandez Humberto OFFICIAL 6110322238 Hill Alexander LSI 6112097838 Hines Kimberley Nor Cal Pacesetters 6112921938 Hochderffer Michael Christian Team Ministries 6111512738 Hollshwandner Edward Diablo Valley TC/OFFICIAL 6112167938 Holtzman Richard Unattached 6111879038 Hotaling Bruce UNATTACHED 6111761038 Hughey Bobby OFFICIAL 6110167138 Hume James OFFICIAL 6111755238 Iwamiya Dickie OFFICIAL 6112090338 Jaeger Bryan Outlaws 6110142438 James Oscar UMOJA TC 6110792638 Johnson Jan Sky Jumpers VSC 6112472338 Johnson Robert MP Striders 6112799938 Johnson Stephen San Leandro TC 6112587838 Jones Sylvia (Carol) East Palo Alto Greyhounds/OFFICIAL 6112162038 Karbo Mark AC TC 6110275238 Kehoe Carla Golden West Athletic Club 6110286938 Kelly James Fullstride TC/OFFICIAL 6110492338 Kelly Juliet OFFICIAL 6110491538 Kent Maura Revolution Express/OFFICIAL 6112093738 Kent Roosevelt Revolution Express/OFFICIAL 6112092938 Kinimaka Lisa Pii TC/OFFICIAL 6110393338 Kleeman George OFFICIAL 6110029338 Klein Aurther Santa Cruz Track Club/OFFICIAL 6110240638 Klein Becky Santa Cruz Track Club/OFFICIAL 6111002938 Knowles John Sacramento Speed Factory 6112714838 Kostka Scott Revolution Express/OFFICIAL 6111409638 Kunkle Robert UNATTACHED 6110575538 Laughlin Sean OFFICIAL 6110031938 Lawrence David, Jr. Pacific United 6112794038 Lewis Julius Unattached 6113094438 Lewis-Morrison Angela Maccando Tenderloin Youth TC 6110602738 Lopez Harlan Diablo Valley TC 6110573038 Loraine Keith North Coast Vaulting Association 6112603338 Lowe Keisha Top Pacers TC/OFFICIAL 6111418738 Manah Jimmy OFFICIAL 6111138138 Mansoor John Trojan TC 6112013538 Martin Daniel Buffalo Chips RC 6112822938 McCarthy Kevin Pleasonton Heat 6112843538 McDaniels Robert Maccando Tenderloin Youth TC 6111498938 Mellick Christine Fleet Feet Racing 6111600038 Mellick Kurt Fleet Feet Racing/OFFICIAL 6111601838 Micros Deanna Maccando Tenderloin Youth TC 6111090438 Milam Leroy OFFICIAL 6110096238 Miller William OFFICIAL 6112414538 Moore James Hercules Running Rebels 6111277738 Moore Robert Central Valley Road Runners 6111940038 Moren Thaddeus (Thad) Team Olympians/OFFICIAL 6111849338 Morrison Wayne Maccando Tenderloin Youth TC 6111997038 Murray John OFFICIAL 6110246338 Murray Mary (Susan) OFFICIAL 6112396438 Nekota Kay Buffalo Chips RC 6110951838 Nelson Steven Cardinal TC 6112366738 Nemeth Joseph OFFICIAL 6110151538 Neutz Darrin Diablo Valley TC 6110551638 North Ashley Santa Rosa Express Youth RC 6110804938 Obera Irene West Valley Track Club/OFFICIAL 6110263838 Ohara Tracy Christian Team Ministries 6110582138 Oliver Don UNATTACHED 6110309938 Paddeck George Buffalo Chips RC/OFFICIAL 6111858438 Paddeck Lili Buffalo Chips RC/OFFICIAL 6111859238 Padgaonkar Ajay OFFICIAL 6110163038 Pappadakis Clifford Mercury TC 6110786838 Pappadakis Clinton Mercury TC 6112293338 Parker Steven 3M TC/OFFICIAL 6111752938 Patterson Raymond Truckee Meadows TC 6113003538 Pfeiffer Jerry Muzino Racing/OFFICIAL 6110037638 Phillips James Castro Valley TC 6111897238 Pittman William 3M TC 6111750338 Post Laura Sierra Foothill TC 6111527538 Post Scott Sierra Foothill TC 6111529138 Pretto John OFFICIAL 6110114338 Price Elisabeth Pacific RW Association/OFFICIAL 6110252138 Price Jonathan Pacific RW Association/OFFICIAL 6111077138 Pridden Brian UNATTACHED 6110228138 Pruett Rick UNATTACHED 6112052338 Rauch Robert OFFICIAL 6110479038 Raura Emosi Phenom Elite TF 6110718138 Rehemet George Pamakids 6110159838 Ricketts Sean UNATTACHED 6112995338 Robinson Trevor Sierra Foothill TC 6112372538 Rosenfield Stanley San Luis Distance Club 6110040038 Rossman Diana UNATTACHED 6110416238 Ruona Franklin Tamalpa Runners/OFFICIAL 6100030338 Rush Robert OFFICIAL 6110568038 Sample Deborah Hampton Phillips Classic TC 6112265138 Sanders Jeanne OFFICIAL 6111268638 Sawchuck Kevin Bay Area Ultra Runners 6110288538 Schlachte Nancy Pleasanton Heat 6113126438 Schramm Richard Breakers Track 6110599538 Sealy Kenrick Transport Adidas Racing Team 6112817938 Sheehan Margaret OFFICIAL 6112406138 Sheppard Charles OFFICIAL 6110127557 Sherrard Cherrie OFFICIAL 6112958138 Shirey John OFFICIAL 6111347838 Shor Bob Santa Rosa TC/OFFICIAL 6111535838 Shrock Dave OFFICIAL 6110006138 Siegel Jonathan OFFICIAL 6113052238 Sillah Abdul UMOJA TC 6111275138 Simmons Dolton EOYDC 6112369138 Simms Virginia Stockton Saints/OFFICIAL 6111865938 Smith Allan OFFICIAL 6111594538 Smith Christopher Piedmont TF 6111288438 Soeth David OFFICIAL 6110155638 Stamey Sam Santa Rosa TC 6112539938 Storrs Helen Sierra Racewalkers/OFFICIAL 6111426038 Strickland Darius UNATTACHED 6111292638 Stuart Eric East Palo Alto Greyhounds 6112639738 Sturgeon Randell Golden West Athletics Club 6111452638 Taylor Curtis EOYDC 6112367538 Taylor William Arete West 6111736238 Terry Darol MP Striders 6110504538 Thigpen Aaron UNATTACHED 6112280038 Thompson Eric Golden West? 6110639938 Thompson Robert OFFICIAL 6110044238 Tuff MaryJane UNATTACHED 6112130738 Turnage Nola 100 Blackwings 6110478238 Umpierre Katina Stockton Starz/OFFICIAL 6112626438 Upshaw-Margerum Joy Speed Athletics 6112259438 Vaughn Matthew Burlingame Youth TC 6110222438 Veilleux James Soul Air/OFFICIAL 6111763638 Vogt Nicholas Christian Team Ministries 6111993938 Wade Migdalia Natomas Youth TC/OFFICIAL 6112229738 Wallace James UNATTACHED 6110812238 Washington James Salinas Valley TC 6112100038 Webb Lee Mission Valley TC 6111677838 Weitzel Brian Oak Hill Racing 6110806438 Wenger Fay Salinas Valley TC 6112099438 White William UNATTACHED 6110829638 Wiley Scott Palo Alto Lightning TC 6112542338 Williams Anthony Tony Williams TC/OFFICIAL 6110285138 Williams Barton V Town Track Club 6111401338 Wilson David SLO Town TC 6111788338 Wise John OFFICIAL 6111939238 Wolterstorff Duane Central Valley Road Runners/OFFICIAL 6111730538 Woods Jessie Rpm Legacy 6112412938 Worthen Chad Fleet Feet Racing 6111678638 Worthen Stacey Fleet Feet Racing 6111679438 Wright Daniel Hampton Phillips Classic TC/OFFICIAL 6111659638 Wright Ralph San Louis Distance Club 6110451938 Xiatrey Michael Thunderbolts T & F 6111633138 Young William Palo Alto Lightening TC/OFFICIAL 6112543138 >/div>


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PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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2011 Performance List Last Updated Dec 26, 2010


This is a list of the top performance from each Age Group Division of the 2011 season. This list was compiled using results gathered by PA Youth Communications. Currently all times are from Pacific Association Sanctioned Meets Only. However; this is subject to change. Hand times will not be included.


Please e-mail me at Alexander Hill – PA Communications if you know of missing results or see a mistake in the list.


2011 USATF Pacific Associations Leaders Performance List – April 23, 2010 Sub-Bantam Girls ================================================================================== Name Team Event Top Mark ================================================================================== 1 TBD TBD 100 Meter TBD 2 TBD TBD 200 Meter TBD 3 TBD TBD 400 Meter TBD 4 TBD TBD Javelin Throw TBD 5 TBD TBD Long Jump TBD 6 TBD TBD 4×100 Meter Relay TBD ================================================================================== Name Team Event Top Mark ================================================================================== 1 TBD TBD 100 Meter TBD 2 TBD TBD 200 Meter TBD 3 TBD TBD 400 Meter TBD 4 TBD TBD Javelin Throw TBD 5 TBD TBD Long Jump TBD 6 TBD TBD 4×100 Meter Relay TBD Bantam Girls ================================================================================== Name Team Event Top Mark ================================================================================== 1 TBD TBD 100 Meter TBD 2 TBD TBD 200 Meter TBD 3 TBD TBD 400 Meter TBD 4 TBD TBD 800 Meter TBD 5 TBD TBD 1500 Meter TBD 6 TBD TBD 1500 Race Walk TBD 7 TBD TBD Shot Put TBD 8 TBD TBD Javelin Throw TBD 9 TBD TBD High Jump TBD 10 TBD TBD Long Jump TBD 11 TBD TBD 4×100 Meter Relay TBD 12 TBD TBD 4×400 Meter Relay TBD Bantam Boys ================================================================================== Name Team Event Top Mark ================================================================================== 1 TBD TBD 100 Meter TBD 2 TBD TBD 200 Meter TBD 3 TBD TBD 400 Meter TBD 4 TBD TBD 800 Meter TBD 5 TBD TBD 1500 Meter TBD 6 TBD TBD 1500 Race Walk TBD 7 TBD TBD Shot Put TBD 8 TBD TBD Javelin Throw TBD 9 TBD TBD High Jump TBD 10 TBD TBD Long Jump TBD 11 TBD TBD 4×100 Meter Relay TBD 12 TBD TBD 4×400 Meter Relay TBD Midget Girls ================================================================================== Name Team Event Top Mark ================================================================================== 1 TBD TBD 100 Meter TBD 2 TBD TBD 200 Meter TBD 3 TBD TBD 400 Meter TBD 4 TBD TBD 800 Meter TBD 5 TBD TBD 1500 Meter TBD 6 TBD TBD 3000 Meter TBD 7 TBD TBD 80 Meter Hurdles TBD 8 TBD TBD 1500 Race Walk TBD 9 TBD TBD Shot Put TBD 10 TBD TBD Discuss TBD 11 TBD TBD Javelin Throw TBD 12 TBD TBD High Jump TBD 13 TBD TBD Long Jump TBD 14 TBD TBD 4×100 Meter Relay TBD 15 TBD TBD 4×400 Meter Relay TBD 16 TBD TBD 4×800 Meter Relay TBD Midget Boys ================================================================================== Name Team Event Top Mark ================================================================================== 1 TBD TBD 100 Meter TBD 2 TBD TBD 200 Meter TBD 3 TBD TBD 400 Meter TBD 4 TBD TBD 800 Meter TBD 5 TBD TBD 1500 Meter TBD 6 TBD TBD 3000 Meter TBD 7 TBD TBD 80 Meter Hurdles TBD 8 TBD TBD 1500 Race Walk TBD 9 TBD TBD Shot Put TBD 10 TBD TBD Discuss TBD 11 TBD TBD Javelin Throw TBD 12 TBD TBD High Jump TBD 13 TBD TBD Long Jump TBD 14 TBD TBD 4×100 Meter Relay TBD 15 TBD TBD 4×400 Meter Relay TBD 16 TBD TBD 4×800 Meter Relay TBD Youth Girls ================================================================================== Name Team Event Top Mark ================================================================================== 1 TBD TBD 100 Meter TBD 2 TBD TBD 200 Meter TBD 3 TBD TBD 400 Meter TBD 4 TBD TBD 800 Meter TBD 5 TBD TBD 1500 Meter TBD 6 TBD TBD 100 Meter Hurdles TBD 7 TBD TBD 200 Meter Hurdles TBD 8 TBD TBD 3000 Meter TBD 9 TBD TBD 3000 Race Walk TBD 10 TBD TBD Shot Put TBD 11 TBD TBD Discuss TBD 12 TBD TBD Javelin Throw TBD 13 TBD TBD High Jump TBD 14 TBD TBD Long Jump TBD 15 TBD TBD Triple Jump TBD 16 TBD TBD 4×100 Meter Relay TBD 17 TBD TBD 4×400 Meter Relay TBD 18 TBD TBD 4×800 Meter Relay TBD Youth Boys ================================================================================== Name Team Event Top Mark ================================================================================== 1 TBD TBD 100 Meter TBD 2 TBD TBD 200 Meter TBD 3 TBD TBD 400 Meter TBD 4 TBD TBD 800 Meter TBD 5 TBD TBD 1500 Meter TBD 6 TBD TBD 100 Meter Hurdles TBD 7 TBD TBD 200 Meter Hurdles TBD 8 TBD TBD 3000 Meter TBD 9 TBD TBD 3000 Race Walk TBD 10 TBD TBD Shot Put TBD 11 TBD TBD Discuss TBD 12 TBD TBD Javelin Throw TBD 13 TBD TBD High Jump TBD 14 TBD TBD Long Jump TBD 15 TBD TBD Triple Jump TBD 16 TBD TBD 4×100 Meter Relay TBD 17 TBD TBD 4×400 Meter Relay TBD 18 TBD TBD 4×800 Meter Relay TBD



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PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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Missing Girl Allison Bayliss: Please Help find her!


Danville, Calif. – Allison Bayliss bike has been found near the Golden Gate Bridge, and a large-search is under way for her this morning, a National Park Service spokesman said.


Allison Bayliss, 15, was last seen by her parents riding her bike around 8 a.m. Monday at San Ramon Valley High School, Danville police said. Her parents later reported her missing, and Danville police said they considered her to be at-risk. A sheriff

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC, Youth | Comments Off on PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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Dealing with Over-Involved Parents–Getting Parents to Work With You and Not Against You in Age Group Track and Field


By Roy Stevenson


There’s not a track coach in the country that hasn’t come across overzealous parents at one time or another. I’ve heard coaches refer to some parents as tp’s (terrorist parents), cp’s (controlling parents), or hp’s, (helicopter parents who hover over every moment of their teen’s life). This over-involvement and interference with athletes, and coaches who are just trying to do their job, can be a major burden on the unprepared coach.


Some of these over-involved parents are simply misguided; thinking their son or daughter is the best, when results indicate otherwise. Others expect their athlete offspring to win everything so they can get a scholarship at University. Many parents want their kids to win as an extension of their own ego, or for bragging rights in their social circles, or because they were good athletes back in their day.


Whatever the reason for the parent’s expectations, their behavior is often shocking. You’ve seen it before: chewing out the coach, swearing at him or her, or even their child or athletes on other teams. Here are some tips on how to deal with overzealous parents. Following this advice will make your life easier and take some of the stress off the teenage athletes. Onerous as it may be, it is your responsibility to clarify your expectations with parents.


First, realize that 99% of all parents are sane and workable; they just need to be trained like their athlete progeny. A common strategy is to actively educate them with verbal and written material.


State clearly, in writing, your coaching philosophy and style, and school policies regarding athlete and parent conduct, including meet and practice behavior and consequences of breaching this code. Emphasize that parents should show respect for athletes competing against your school, and they should cheer their athletes in a positive manner. Some coaches have parents sign an agreement stating that they understand the commitment their teen athlete is making, and that they agree to support it.


State that you promote strong ethics, sound principles and high ideals through track and field and cross-country. This should include mentioning that coaching is something you do and parents don’t, and parenting is what they should be doing, and that it is your job to run things the way you see fit.


Define a common mission for your team, and how parents can help you and their children reach these goals. E.g. booster club, officiating at meets, ensuring that the athlete is getting good nutrition, etc. Tell the parents that you expect their cooperation, support, and loyalty and that you expect parents to be role models of sportsmanship.


Establish your coaching credentials and your expertise. When parents challenge you, be the expert in a non-defensive way and be professional. This means you do not respond to problem parents emotionally, and you must always maintain self-control.


Avoid crisis intervention mode with parents at all costs. Waiting for problems and emotions to arise before you are forced to deal with them is a disaster in the making. This means you must . . . . .


Communicate with the parents. This means keeping the lines of communications open with parents and being approachable. Encourage them to discuss any problems with you, instead of taking them over your head. Listen to them, and let them know that you hear them, even when you don’t agree with them. Always do this respectfully.


Following these basic guidelines will avoid most problems you are likely to encounter with overzealous parents. Over time you will develop additional skills to work with parents, to support your efforts.




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PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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The Last Nasty Bathroom Relays – Berkeley High School Last Updated Mar 2, 2010



All entrants to the Meet will pay 3.00 Athletes and Spectators


This year’s event’s will be the same as always. To keep costs down we will not give ribbons, however all children will get their times(Hand) as they cross the finish line.


Gates will open at 8:00am, Running events will begin at 10:00am Sub-Bantams, Bantams, and Midgets can participate in three events Youth and Up can do four events


Running events Field Event 1500m Long Jump 4x200m Relay 100m Dash 800m 300m 4x100m


As you will see, we are doing major construction on the stadium at Berkeley High School, so please pay careful attention to your athletes.


As always this is the “This won’t take all day Relays” but since this is the last time you will have to endure the restrooms under the Stadium Stairs, we will acknowledge the Last Time we will have to deal with the “Nasty Bathrooms”


-Darrell Hampton





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