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2014 USATF Outdoor Open Track & Field Championships

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Updated July 8, 2014

Clare Carroll – PAL Roseville Express Distance Star

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Clare Carroll – PAL Roseville Express Distance Star


Youth XC Profile: Julia Bounds

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Youth XC Profile: Julia Bounds


Clare Carroll – PAL Roseville Express Distance Star

By Bob Burns


Clare Carroll

At the JO T&F Nationals, Clare (r) missed a 3000m win by 0.1 second when Amy-Eloise Neale (l) caught her at the finish.
Photo courtesy of Kim Carroll

It’s one thingfor a young runner to dream about competing in the Summer Olympics, or for a precocious skier to fantasize about the Winter Olympics.

It’s something else to dream about competing in both.

Meet Clare Carroll, a 13-year-old bundle of energy, talent and smarts. The three-sport standout – four, if track and cross country are considered separate sports – recently asked her mother if she could take tennis lessons after watching the U.S. Open on television.

Kim Carroll had to nix that idea, for the time being at least, but she’s reluctant to discourage her daughter’s Olympic-sized ambitions.

“I think about telling her that it might not be realistic to compete in both, but I don’t say anything,” Kim Carroll said. “It’s OK to have dreams.”

The eighth-grader from Cavitt Junior High School in Granite Bay is gearing up for a big cross country season after finishing second in the youth  3,000 meters at the USA National Junior Olympics in Greensboro, North Carolina. Barely 10 months after running her first race of any kind, Carroll clocked 10:23.94 to finished one-tenth of second behind the winner, Amy-Eloise Neale.

Carroll also placed fourth in the youth 1,500 at nationals in 4:51.01. She earlier clocked a personal-best 4:48.51 in regional qualifying.

“Clare has a whole lot of natural talent,” said Jeanette Allred-Poweless, the cross country coach for the Roseville Express youth team. “We just have to share it with other sports.”

Carroll is also an outstanding soccer player and downhill skier. She plays midfield and defender for Boca Juniors, a Sacramento-area competitive team, and she’s serious enough about skiing that she’ll enroll in the Sugar Bowl Ski Academy this winter.

“She’ll move up there for one trimester,” Kim Carroll said. “She wanted to see what her potential is if she skis full-time.”

Clare’s speed and endurance had long been evident on the soccer field, but she didn’t test herself against other runners until last fall, when she joined her school’s cross country team.

“I always knew I liked to run, so I tried it,” she said. “I won every race and thought, OK, I’ll join a club.’”

She broke her collarbone in a soccer game, forcing her to miss the Junior Olympics in Virginia. The 2009 USATF National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships will be held Dec. 12 in Reno, Nevada.

“I prefer cross country to track,” Clare said. “Sometimes running laps around a track can get a little boring. Cross country has varied terrain. It’s a pretty environment to be in.”

She knows she’s getting close to the time when she’ll have to drop one or two sports, perhaps as soon as next year, when she enters Granite Bay High School as a freshman. Girls soccer and track are both spring sports.

“I’ll have a lot of choices,” said Carroll, a straight-A student who volunteers with the National Charity League and is president of her eighth-grade class at school. “I’m leaning more toward track. I’d like to keep running and see where it takes me.”

Far, according to Allred-Poweless, who coaches women’s cross country and track at American River College in addition to her work with the Roseville Express.

“I don’t know want to guess which sport she’s going to choose, but Clare really seems to have a love for running,” Allred-Powless said. “She really enjoys it.”

Kim Carroll remembers a parent coming up to her at a soccer game and telling her that Clare was the fastest runner on the field. Kim, a hurdler and sprinter in high school, deflected the praise by saying there were other girls with excellent speed.

“He said, ‘No, she’s the fastest at the start of the game and the fastest at the end of the game,’” Kim Carroll recalled. “That told me that she had both speed and endurance.”

Kim laughs when asked if she ever feels like asking her daughter to slow down.

“I do worry about it a little bit,” Kim said. “But she asks for this, and she gets different things from the different sports.

“With soccer, she enjoys working toward a common goal with her teammates. With individual sports, she knows that when she wins or does very well, it’s because she’s the fastest runner or skier. Running trains her to be disciplined more than any other sport, and ski racing is thrilling – she hits 60 mph in the Super G. It teaches Clare to conquer fear.”

The discipline shows in different ways. When Allred-Powless mentioned that runners should watch their diets, Carroll gave up junk food on the spot. Her 3,000-meter race at last summer’s Junior Olympics provided a glimpse of her competiveness.

Neale, a decorated runner from Snohomish, Wash., was the defending champion, but Carroll matched her older opponent stride for stride on the final lap, losing by less than a stride in a terrific duel. Afterward, Clare celebrated her auspicious debut on the national stage with an ice cream cone.

“It’s always good to win, but training is also fun,” Clare said. “Your friends are out there with you. I don’t know … I just like to run.”










Youth XC Profile: Julia Bounds

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Julia Bounds

Youth XC Profile: Julia Bounds

She Knows How to Have Fun: RUNNING!

By Bob Burns

Her first race was a fun run. Come to think of it, all of her races have been fun runs – even the one where her feet were numb from the cold and her cheeks streaked with tears.

That was the 2008 USATF National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships in Mechanicsville, Va., where Julia Bounds, a spirited 9-year-old from Redwood City, won the bantam girls title in freezing conditions.

“I actually like running in cold weather, even though you can’t really feel your feet,” she said.

Every race is fun its own way. She’s been fortunate enough to win most of them, but even the occasional defeat brings out the fighter in the 5-foot fifth grader, as she demonstrated a few months ago at the Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in Greensboro, N.C.

“I’ve never given much thought as to why I like running so much,” Julia said. “I just do.”

Now 10 and in the fifth grade, Bounds will defend her bantam title at the National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships in Reno on Dec. 12, assuming she makes it through regional qualifying. That’s a pretty safe bet, and her experience from last year’s race should calm her pre-race nerves.

At last year’s cross country nationals in Virginia, Bounds was a wide-eyed novice who had been running competitively for just five months. She was blown away by the sheer mass of runners – 221 entrants – at the starting line

“There was just this big clump,” Bounds said. “I thought, wow, I’m probably not going to do well. But people started dropping back as the race went on.”

She unleashed a strong finishing kick to win by two seconds. Her father, Jay, videotaped the finish, but the camera was shaking from his excitement.

“We knew she could do it,” said her mother, Norleen. “My husband was shaking and Julia was crying as she crossed the finish line. She was used to blowing people away. It wasn’t an easy race for her.”

It wasn’t as difficult as the 1,500-meter final at the 2009 Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in North Carolina. In the first 75 meters of the race, Julia was spiked and fell to the track after another competitor cut her off. Norleen Bounds said their video of the race showed that Julia was down on the track for 10 to 15 seconds.

She eventually climbed to her feet and managed to pass nine runners en route to a seventh-place finish in 5:18.55.

“The worst part was, they disqualified me,” Julia said. “Fortunately, we protested and I got reinstated.”

“I don’t know many other 10-year-olds who would have had the toughness, competitiveness or confidence to do what she did,” Norleen Bounds said.

Bounds also placed fourth in the 800 meters (2:29.89) and sixth in the high jump (3-9¼) at the track and field nationals. She turns 11 in March and will move up to the midget division at the 2010 Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in Sacramento. Her personal coach, Michael Davidson, expects her to continue progressing.

“Julia is a very talented young lady,” Davidson said. “Her potential for growth is tremendous. On the track, she’s very focused. Off the track, she’s very much a 10-year-old.”

“She’s very, very social,” her mother said. “The team aspect is very important to her.”

Julia competes for the Pleasanton Heat but trains on the Peninsula with Davidson. She continues to play soccer for a competitive-level team, though cross country now takes precedence in the event of a scheduling conflict.

“In the future, I might change my mind, but right now I love running,” Julia said. “It’s interesting to see my times drop, and I like seeing my friends improve.”

Jay Bounds, an IT manager for Fox Racing, and Norleen, a certified public accountant, have two children. Julia’s older brother, Jason, runs for his middle school cross country team but isn’t terribly interested in the sport.

When she’s not running or socializing, Julia enjoys playing the piano and drawing.

“I like creating things,” she said.

She hopes to create another memorable moment when she defends her title at the upcoming cross country nationals in Reno. She doesn’t mind that she’ll go in as the person to beat, that her opponents will be thinking about her in the months leading up to the race.

“That’s fine,” Julia said. “I think about the other people as much as they think about me.”


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Youth XC Profile: Julia Bounds

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, Youth | 0 comments

Youth XC Profile: Julia Bounds Home

Julia Bounds

Youth XC Profile: Julia Bounds

She Knows How to Have Fun: RUNNING!

By Bob Burns

Her first race was a fun run. Come to think of it, all of her races have been fun runs – even the one where her feet were numb from the cold and her cheeks streaked with tears.

That was the 2008 USATF National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships in Mechanicsville, Va., where Julia Bounds, a spirited 9-year-old from Redwood City, won the bantam girls title in freezing conditions.

“I actually like running in cold weather, even though you can’t really feel your feet,” she said.

Every race is fun its own way. She’s been fortunate enough to win most of them, but even the occasional defeat brings out the fighter in the 5-foot fifth grader, as she demonstrated a few months ago at the Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in Greensboro, N.C.

“I’ve never given much thought as to why I like running so much,” Julia said. “I just do.”

Now 10 and in the fifth grade, Bounds will defend her bantam title at the National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships in Reno on Dec. 12, assuming she makes it through regional qualifying. That’s a pretty safe bet, and her experience from last year’s race should calm her pre-race nerves.

At last year’s cross country nationals in Virginia, Bounds was a wide-eyed novice who had been running competitively for just five months. She was blown away by the sheer mass of runners – 221 entrants – at the starting line

“There was just this big clump,” Bounds said. “I thought, wow, I’m probably not going to do well. But people started dropping back as the race went on.”

She unleashed a strong finishing kick to win by two seconds. Her father, Jay, videotaped the finish, but the camera was shaking from his excitement.

“We knew she could do it,” said her mother, Norleen. “My husband was shaking and Julia was crying as she crossed the finish line. She was used to blowing people away. It wasn’t an easy race for her.”

It wasn’t as difficult as the 1,500-meter final at the 2009 Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in North Carolina. In the first 75 meters of the race, Julia was spiked and fell to the track after another competitor cut her off. Norleen Bounds said their video of the race showed that Julia was down on the track for 10 to 15 seconds.

She eventually climbed to her feet and managed to pass nine runners en route to a seventh-place finish in 5:18.55.

“The worst part was, they disqualified me,” Julia said. “Fortunately, we protested and I got reinstated.”

“I don’t know many other 10-year-olds who would have had the toughness, competitiveness or confidence to do what she did,” Norleen Bounds said.

Bounds also placed fourth in the 800 meters (2:29.89) and sixth in the high jump (3-9¼) at the track and field nationals. She turns 11 in March and will move up to the midget division at the 2010 Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in Sacramento. Her personal coach, Michael Davidson, expects her to continue progressing.

“Julia is a very talented young lady,” Davidson said. “Her potential for growth is tremendous. On the track, she’s very focused. Off the track, she’s very much a 10-year-old.”

“She’s very, very social,” her mother said. “The team aspect is very important to her.”

Julia competes for the Pleasanton Heat but trains on the Peninsula with Davidson. She continues to play soccer for a competitive-level team, though cross country now takes precedence in the event of a scheduling conflict.

“In the future, I might change my mind, but right now I love running,” Julia said. “It’s interesting to see my times drop, and I like seeing my friends improve.”

Jay Bounds, an IT manager for Fox Racing, and Norleen, a certified public accountant, have two children. Julia’s older brother, Jason, runs for his middle school cross country team but isn’t terribly interested in the sport.

When she’s not running or socializing, Julia enjoys playing the piano and drawing.

“I like creating things,” she said.

She hopes to create another memorable moment when she defends her title at the upcoming cross country nationals in Reno. She doesn’t mind that she’ll go in as the person to beat, that her opponents will be thinking about her in the months leading up to the race.

“That’s fine,” Julia said. “I think about the other people as much as they think about me.”


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Pleaasnton Heat TC at the 2009 JO XC Championships

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Pleaasnton Heat TC at the 2009 JO XC Championships

Pleasanton Heat 2009 Cross Country Meet Results

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy, XC | Comments Off on Pleasanton Heat 2009 Cross Country Meet Results

Pleasanton Heat 2009 Cross Country Meet Results


Julia Bounds

Youth XC Profile: Julia Bounds

She Knows How to Have Fun: RUNNING!

By Bob Burns

Her first race was a fun run. Come to think of it, all of her races have been fun runs – even the one where her feet were numb from the cold and her cheeks streaked with tears.

That was the 2008 USATF National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships in Mechanicsville, Va., where Julia Bounds, a spirited 9-year-old from Redwood City, won the bantam girls title in freezing conditions.

“I actually like running in cold weather, even though you can’t really feel your feet,” she said.

Every race is fun its own way. She’s been fortunate enough to win most of them, but even the occasional defeat brings out the fighter in the 5-foot fifth grader, as she demonstrated a few months ago at the Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in Greensboro, N.C.

“I’ve never given much thought as to why I like running so much,” Julia said. “I just do.”

Now 10 and in the fifth grade, Bounds will defend her bantam title at the National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships in Reno on Dec. 12, assuming she makes it through regional qualifying. That’s a pretty safe bet, and her experience from last year’s race should calm her pre-race nerves.

At last year’s cross country nationals in Virginia, Bounds was a wide-eyed novice who had been running competitively for just five months. She was blown away by the sheer mass of runners – 221 entrants – at the starting line

“There was just this big clump,” Bounds said. “I thought, wow, I’m probably not going to do well. But people started dropping back as the race went on.”

She unleashed a strong finishing kick to win by two seconds. Her father, Jay, videotaped the finish, but the camera was shaking from his excitement.

“We knew she could do it,” said her mother, Norleen. “My husband was shaking and Julia was crying as she crossed the finish line. She was used to blowing people away. It wasn’t an easy race for her.”

It wasn’t as difficult as the 1,500-meter final at the 2009 Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in North Carolina. In the first 75 meters of the race, Julia was spiked and fell to the track after another competitor cut her off. Norleen Bounds said their video of the race showed that Julia was down on the track for 10 to 15 seconds.

She eventually climbed to her feet and managed to pass nine runners en route to a seventh-place finish in 5:18.55.

“The worst part was, they disqualified me,” Julia said. “Fortunately, we protested and I got reinstated.”

“I don’t know many other 10-year-olds who would have had the toughness, competitiveness or confidence to do what she did,” Norleen Bounds said.

Bounds also placed fourth in the 800 meters (2:29.89) and sixth in the high jump (3-9¼) at the track and field nationals. She turns 11 in March and will move up to the midget division at the 2010 Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in Sacramento. Her personal coach, Michael Davidson, expects her to continue progressing.

“Julia is a very talented young lady,” Davidson said. “Her potential for growth is tremendous. On the track, she’s very focused. Off the track, she’s very much a 10-year-old.”

“She’s very, very social,” her mother said. “The team aspect is very important to her.”

Julia competes for the Pleasanton Heat but trains on the Peninsula with Davidson. She continues to play soccer for a competitive-level team, though cross country now takes precedence in the event of a scheduling conflict.

“In the future, I might change my mind, but right now I love running,” Julia said. “It’s interesting to see my times drop, and I like seeing my friends improve.”

Jay Bounds, an IT manager for Fox Racing, and Norleen, a certified public accountant, have two children. Julia’s older brother, Jason, runs for his middle school cross country team but isn’t terribly interested in the sport.

When she’s not running or socializing, Julia enjoys playing the piano and drawing.

“I like creating things,” she said.

She hopes to create another memorable moment when she defends her title at the upcoming cross country nationals in Reno. She doesn’t mind that she’ll go in as the person to beat, that her opponents will be thinking about her in the months leading up to the race.

“That’s fine,” Julia said. “I think about the other people as much as they think about me.”



Pleasanton Heat

2009 National Junior Olympic XC Youth Boy’s Champion Team


Pleasanton Heat’s Connor McCarthy clocked 14:09 to place 10th among 242 runners in the 4,000-meter race, and to help lead the Pleasanton Heat to a team victory.


by Bob Burns

Link to Photos and Finish Times

Their runners were rested and ready for the 2009 USATF National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships. In the final hours of preparation, the burden shifted to the shoulders of Pleasanton Heat coaches Kevin McCarthy and Eric Petersen.

They had to fill out the lineup card. In designating their “A” team for the national event in Reno, they had to choose eight runners from a group of 10 evenly matched runners.

“Deciding the top eight was a tough choice,” McCarthy said.

The problem was compounded when it came to Connor McCarthy, Kevin’s son and one of the top runners on the team. Connor was Pleasanton’s ninth finisher two weeks earlier at the Region 16 qualifying race for the Junior Olympics. Connor’s father didn’t want to be seen as playing favorites.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Petersen told McCarthy.  “Connor’s got to be on the ‘A’ team.”

The coaches got it right, judging from Pleasanton’s decisive victory in the Boys Youth Division (ages 13 and 14) at the Junior Olympics. The Heat scored 60 points to finish 49 points ahead of the second-place Equalizers on Dec. 12 at Reno’s Rancho San Rafael Regional Park.

Connor McCarthy was Pleasanton’s top finisher, clocking 14:09 to place 10th among 242 runners  in the 4,000-meter race. Caton Avilla, the team’s sixth man at regionals, was the second Pleasanton runner across the finish line at nationals, finishing 17th overall. 

Rounding out Pleasanton’s top five scorers were Aidan Goltra (21st  place), Gabe Arias-Sheridan (27th) and Nolan Petersen (38th).  Pleasanton’s “B” team finished 12th in the team standings.

“It was really gratifying to win because these boys have worked so hard,” Kevin McCarthy said. “We knew we had a good group coming back, but it takes a little bit of luck to win.”

The Heat is a perennial power in Junior Olympic competition, comprised mainly of runners from Pleasanton and Fremont with an occasional Central Valley athlete mixed in. At the 2008 National Junior Olympics Cross Country Championships in Virginia, the Heat placed second in the Youth Boys race. Connor McCarthy and Peterson were scoring members of that team, and two other Pleasanton runners, Goltra and Brynn Sargent, earned medals at the 2009 Junior Olympic Track & Field Championships.

“Six or seven of the boys on this team have been running together for four or five years now,” Petersen said. “They’ve shown a lot of patience to get to this point, because kids get good in different spurts. A lot of our guys are late bloomers. These kids didn’t start out as all-stars.”

The Heat’s “A” and “B” teams finished first and second at the Region 16 qualifying meet on Nov. 29 over the same Reno course that would be used for nationals. But the conditions couldn’t have been more different. The balmy conditions for the regional meet gave way to a full-blown snowstorm for the main event.

“I was really nervous about the conditions going in,” Kevin McCarthy said. “Bad weather adds a variable that you can’t predict. But it turned out to be an advantage because of our depth.”

Connor McCarthy took Petersen’s advice to go out slower than he did at regionals, and the Amador Valley High School freshman ran a solid tactical race to finish 10th.

“I felt ready,” Connor McCarthy said. “I knew it was my time to step up and help my team.”

Avilla, a freshman at Elk Grove’s Pleasant Valley High School, had also run a sub-par race at regionals. Avilla slipped and fell in the early stages of the national race but kept his composure, working his way through the pack to crack the top 20 and earn All-America honors.

 “It was an amazing experience,” Avilla said. “My high school coach made a big deal of our win, spreading the news all over the school. I’m grateful for the opportunity to run on this team.”

Pleasanton placed 10 runners in the top 70 finishers at the national championships. Jacob Schlachte, running on the “B” team, finished 43rd, followed by heat teammates Sargent (45th), Tim O’Shea (60th), Adler Faulkner (67th) and Sean Aylward (70th).

“Our top 10 were very similar in ability and their order changed race to race,” Kevin McCarthy said. “The finishing order of the boys will change, but the team result stays constant.”

Avila is a relative newcomer, in just his second season with the Heat, but his mother, Jerrie, marveled at the team’s cohesiveness.

“I don’t know where Coach McCarthy and Petersen found these kids, but they were all so supportive of one another. It was really neat to see.”



Pleasanton Heat XC Meet 1

Pleasanton Heat XC Meet 2

PA Athlete tent will be available at XC JOs

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PA Athlete tent will be available at XC JOs


Pleasanton Heat 2009

Cross Country Meet Results

PA/USATF Cross Country Meet

Shadow Cliffs Park, Pleasonton, CA

October 18, 2009

For more photos visit

Pleasanton Heat XC Meet 3

Sub-Bantam Girls – 2,000 Meters
1 Jaxin Woodward Full Stride 09:44.1
2 Kiana Perez Roseville Express 10:50.2
3 Emily Perez Castro Valley 11:23.8
4 Amariah Davidson Unattached 11:29.3
5 Rachel Gurarie Pleasanton Heat 12:10.7
6 Maya Barragan Buffalo Chips 12:13.9
7 Elizabeth Vastano Palo Alto Lightning 13:36.6
Sub-Bantam Boys – 2,000 Meters
1 Nicholas Clay Roseville Express 10:11.0
2 Russell Agustin Mission Valley 10:37.4
3 Kurtis Lee UMOJA 11:21.1
4 Dasch Ainer Castro Valley 11:59.1
5 Nathan Kent Roseville Express 12:04.1
6 Mark Duncan Jr. Aggies 14:44.8
Bantam Girls – 3,000 Meters
1 Julia Bounds Pleasanton Heat 10:44.0
2 Ava Agustin Mission Valley 12:19.6
3 Blanca Sosa Unattached 12:20.7
4 Ailey LeDuff American Canyon Striders 12:52.9
5 Diana Guerrero Pleasanton Heat 13:03.6
6 Claudia Demove Palo Alto Lightning 13:07.6
7 Sierra Carmelich Full Stride 13:20.4
8 Emma Petersen Pleasanton Heat 14:16.9
9 Annaka Barragan Buffalo Chips 14:29.6
10 Catherine Rauch Santa Rosa Express 15:09.0
11 McKenna Weitzel Roseville Express 18:41.8
Bantam Boys – 3,000 Meters
1 Alex Sokol Pleasanton Heat 10:50.9
2 Tim Falls Pleasanton Heat 10:54.3
3 Kent Slaney Palo Alto Lightning 11:00.1
4 Derek Vredenburgh Roseville Express 11:11.1
5 Gavin Hill Castro Valley 11:19.8
6 Charlie Velez Unattached 11:28.4
7 Miles Worthen Roseville Express 12:00.6
8 Noah Seto Unattached 12:00.7
9 Miguel Dickenson Pleasanton Heat 12:14.9
10 Skyler Haataja Palo Alto Lightning 12:50.8
11 George Yoshinaga Unattached 13:24.3
12 Ben Dahlgren Pleasanton Heat 13:43.5
13 Gregor Dairaghi Palo Alto Lightning 13:48.8
14 Joey Fraticelli Pleasanton Heat 13:49.8
15 Tarek Nasr Palo Alto Lightning 14:10.7
16 Austin Mellick Roseville Express 14:46.9
17 Jordan Ainer Castro Valley 15:40.4
18 Christian Taylor Castro Valley 17:34.4
19 Matt Seto Unattached 18:02.9
20 Steven Burnett Unattached 21:42.4
Midget Girls – 3,000 Meters
1 Chloe Pigg Roseville Express 10:37.5
2 Eleanor Velez Unattached 10:54.8
3 Annaka Green Pleasanton Heat 11:18.3
4 Priscilla Lee UMOJA 11:42.9
5 Ellen Keil Unattached 11:49.9
6 Dariya Smith Unattached 12:08.9
7 Femke Keukenkamp Roseville Express 12:09.9
8 Franny Kiles Onalysis 12:18.7
9 Chase Worthen Roseville Express 12:22.7
10 Mary Orders Roseville Express 12:39.5
11 Hannah Vernot Pleasanton Heat 12:48.8
12 Katie Fraticelli Pleasanton Heat 12:53.0
13 Alexandria Embody Castro Valley 13:10.0
14 Hydeia Barney Full Stride 13:25.7
15 Erica Esparza Unattached 13:58.4
16 Cassandra Barragan Buffalo Chips 14:03.8
17 Francesca Chicoine Pleasanton Heat 14:05.5
18 Antogine Piratano UMOJA 14:13.3
19 Gina Audiss Santa Rosa Express 14:41.2
20 Mikeala Williams UMOJA 15:18.3
21 Alexandria Geremew UMOJA 15:43.6
22 Camille Johnson UMOJA 15:43.9
23 Quin Sotelo Castro Valley 15:48.5
24 Antoinette Rydell Hart Middle School 16:34.1
Midget Boys – 3,000 Meters
1 Andrew Sartor Pleasanton Heat 10:08.3
2 Ben Zaeske Pleasanton Heat 10:11.4
3 Kahale Warring Pleasanton Heat 10:28.2
4 Michael Dunne Pleasanton Heat 10:28.8
5 Peter Schlachte Pleasanton Heat 10:38.7
6 Logan Taggart Roseville Express 10:56.1
7 Kevin Anawalt Pleasanton Heat 10:57.6
8 Romain Hardy Pleasanton Heat 11:05.2
9 Nick Coumou Pleasanton Heat 11:28.0
10 RJ Agustin Mission Valley 11:31.7
11 Dennis Mandudzo Palo A lto Lightning 11:54.5
12 Owen Weitzel Roseville Express 11:55.5
13 Christopher Hitchcock Castro Valley 12:17.6
14 Elias Davidson Unattached 12:25.6
15 Andrew Mellick Roseville Express 13:06.0
16 Jeremy Mayhew American Canyon Striders 13:11.6
17 Jared Kozak Pleasanton Heat 14:11.7
18 Nicholas Rauch Santa Rosa Express 14:16.9
19 Ben Gurarie Pleasanton Heat 14:44.4
Youth Girls – 4,000 Meters
1 Sophie Hartley Unattached 14:15.0
2 Amihan Agustin Mission Valley 15:35.0
3 Reaghan Emrick Roseville Express 15:47.0
4 Danielle Nivinski Roseville Express 16:06.0
5 Allison Bayliss Roseville Express 16:44.0
6 Monique Esparza UMOJA 17:09.0
7 Bridet Gottlieb Unattached 17:16.0
8 Kylie Joerger Roseville Express 19:13.0
9 Shona McCarthy Unattached 19:27.0
10 Juliet Logan Unattached 19:30.0
11 Chole Bantock Unattached 19:31.0
12 Katie Moro Unattached 19:57.0
13 Havanna Coleman UMOJA 24:44.0
Youth Boys – 4,000 Meters
1 Aidan Goltra Pleasanton Heat 13:29.0
2 Tristyn Martin Roseville Express 14:06.0
3 Neilson Powless Roseville Express 14:12.0
4 Stephen Giuntini Unattached 14:32.0
5 Joseph Diaz Unattached 14:42.0
6 Matthew Whitman Pleasanton Heat 14:45.0
7 Ryan Colaco Pleasanton Heat 14:52.0
8 Reed Klaeser Roseville Express 14:58.0
9 Simon Novich Pamakid Running 15:19.0
10 Zach Beston Pleasanton Heat 15:22.0
11 Tommy Malone Jr. Aggies 15:57.0
12 David Duncan Jr. Aggies 16:08.0
13 Steven Cummins Roseville Express 16:10.0
14 Tyler Rossi Jr. Aggies 16:17.0
15 Jasper Keukenkamp Roseville Express 16:35.0
16 Caleb Olivarez Castro Valley 16:51.0
17 Hans Brouwer Unattached 16:57.0
18 Chase Ross Hart Middle School 17:35.0
19 Austin Taggart Roseville Express 17:51.0
20 Bryon Mayhew American Canyon Striders 17:52.0
Young Girls- 5,000 Meters
1 Emily Fijat Bayhill High School 32:35.0
Young Boys – 5,000 Meters
1 Tommy Gutierrez Palo Alto Lightning 19:31.0
2 Robert Gutierrez Palo Alto Lightning 19:44.0
3 Robert Eggerth Bayhill High School 19:59.7
4 Carlo Rivas Bayhill High School 21:56.3
5 Michael Carin Bayhill High School 21:57.0
6 Daniel Pierce Bayhill High School 23:43.0
7 Matt Decker Roseville Express 24:59.0
Open Boys Division – 5,000 Meters
1 David Fraticelli Pleasanton Heat 21:43.0
2 Steve Sokol Pleasanton Heat 23:04.0


Hotels Near William Jessup University (WJU), Rocklin

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Hotels Near William Jessup University (WJU), Rocklin


PA Athlete tent will be available at XC JOs

The Pacific Association has rented a 20′ x 30′ four sided tent for our athletes and their families to stage in before and after their races.  There will be a heater but it won’t be like you are inside a house.  Clubs should consider bringing tarps to place on the ground in an area they designate for their club.  This tent is for all club and unattached athletes.  Please be respectful of each others space.  No smoking in the tent.
Three other Associations have also rented the same size tent so ensure you find the PA tent!


2009 Mission Valley TC XC Meet Results

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2009 Mission Valley TC XC Meet Results


PAL Meet Results

Nov. 8, 2009

Sub-Bantam Girls
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Jaxin Woodward Full Stride 8:08
2 Emily Perez Castro Valley Track Club 9:31
3 Rachel Guraric Unattached 9:42
4 Maya Barragan Buffalo Chips 10:01
5 Melanie Anechiga Roseville PAL Express 10:41
6 Elizabeth Vastand Palo Alto Lightening 10:44
Bantam Girls
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Julia Bounds Pleasanton Heat 11:40
2 Talley Hill San Luis Distance Club 12:39
3 Blanca Josa Unattached 13:22
4 Meredith Corda Pleasanton Heat 13:23
5 Diana Guerrero Pleasanton Heat 13:46
6 Ava Agustin Unattached 13:48
7 Ailey Leduff American Canyon Striders 13:49
8 Katie Tang Pleasanton Heat 13:50
9 Sarah Savage Joy’s Jack Rabbits TC 13:51
10 Sierra Carmelich Full Stride TC 14:26
11 Claudia Denove Palo Alto Lightening 14:35
12 Erin Cummings Roseville PAL Express 15:38
13 Sarah Stoner-Nicolosi Santa Cruz 15:50
14 Mia Berardo Unattached 16:24
15 Emma Peterson Pleasanton Heat 16:34
16 Annaka Barragan Unattached 16:50
17 Sarah Naranjo Santa Cruz 17:02
18 Mckenna Weitzel Roseville PAL Express 18:10
19 Isabella Vazquez Buffalo Chips 18:32
Midget Girls
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Elenor Velez Unattached 12:05
2 Priscilla Lee Umoja 12:22
3 Maribel Arroyo Above the Grade 12:34
4 Nina Bessolo Castro Valley 12:40
5 Dariya Smith Unattached 13:00
6 Franny Kiles Team Onalysis 13:09
7 Kaitlyn Eklem Pleasanton Heat 13:19
8 Delaney White Santa Rosa Express 13:37
9 Premila Raules Cupertino Pride T&F 13:42
10 Xinni Chai Los Gatos TC 13:43
11 Chase Worthen Roseville PAL Express 13:55
12 Katie Fraticelli Pleasanton Heat 14:10
13 Caleece Nash Palo Alto Lightening 14:13
14 Cassandra Barragan Buffalo Chips 14:36
15 Anneliese Gallagher Unattached 14:52
16 Madeleine Murphy Pleasanton Heat 15:03
17 Anthogone Pirratano Umoja 15:12
18 Mikaela Williams Umoja 15:14
19 Effie Nehoran Unattached 15:18
20 Hahnnah Vernot Pleasanton Heat 15:30
21 Alexandra Geremew Umoja 15:33
22 Gina Audiss Unattached 15:57
23 Camille Johnson Unattached 16:55
24 Sasha Scott Unattached 19:20
Youth Girls
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Clare Carroll Roseville PAL Express 14:56
2 Amihan Agustin Unattached 16:16
3 Reaghan Emrick Roseville PAL Express 16:21
4 Madisen Lindsey Los Gatos TC 16:34
5 Selena Friedman Santa Cruz 16:39
6 Danielle Nivisnki Roseville PAL Express 17:02
7 Emily Hoeven Unattached 17:54
8 Michelle Gonzales Roseville PAL Express 17:58
9 Karina Torres San Luis Distance Club 18:08
10 Monique Esparza Umoja 18:14
11 Candy Janachowski Marin Waves T&F Club 18:20
12 Katie Spence Palo Alto Lightening 18:23
13 Marin Dregelid Santa Cruz 19:00
14 Jeannihe Noordan Los Gatos TC 19:13
15 Shona McCarthy Unattached 19:26
16 Emma Dreymann Palo Alto Lightening 19:56
17 Katie Moro Unattached 20:08
18 Kylie Joerger Roseville PAL Express 20:18
19 Imara Seale Hilltop Speed 24:16
20 Habana Coleman Umoja 27:08
Intermediate Girls
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Abby Blake Unattached 21:32
Young Women
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Emily Fijat Bay Hill High School 33:12
Sub-Bantam Boys
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Kurtis Lee Umoja 8:47
2 Russell Augustin Unattached 8:48
3 Gabriel Gomez Unattached 10:10
4 AJ Gurarie Pleasanton Heat 14:55
Bantam Boys
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Alex Sokol Pleasanton Heat 11:43
2 Kent Slaney Palo Alto Lightning 12:01
3 Jason Gomez SLG 12:10
4 Daniel Blake Los Gatos TC 12:15
5 Gavin Hill Castro Valley 12:21
6 Sam Reynolds Pleasanton Heat 12:26
7 Ryan Bayliss Roseville PAL Express 12:29
8 Miles Worthen Roseville PAL Express 12:59
9 Noah Seto Pleasanton Heat 13:19
10 Austin Mellick Roseville PAL Express 13:54
11 Skyler Haataja Palo Alto Lightning 14:02
12 Jackson Halderman Santa Cruz Track Club 14:13
13 Elijah Gwin Palo Alto Lightning 14:18
14 George Yoshinaga Unattached 14:20
15 Zachary Martinez Marin Waves T&F Club 14:47
16 Tarek Nasr Palo Alto Lightning 15:01
17 Gregor Dairaghi Palo Alto Lightning 15:05
18 Roy Nehoram Unattached 16:09
Midget Boys
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Samuel Blake Unattached 10:40
2 Steven Sum Unattached 10:50
3 Ben Zaeske Pleasanton Heat 11:14
4 Kevin Anawalt Unattached 11:20
5 Peter Schlachte Pleasanton Heat 11:22
6 Daniel Tang Pleasanton Heat 11:24
7 Spencer Lachman Roseville PAL Express 11:49
8 Anthony "Tony" Moller Los Gatos TC 11:54
9 Brent Mogensen Los Gatos TC 11:55
10 Zac Brown San Luis Distance Club 11:55
11 Patrick Mullholland Roseville PAL Express 12:06
12 Romain Hardy Pleasanton Heat 12:09
13 Logan Taggart Roseville PAL Express 12:24
14 Nick Coumou Pleasanton Heat 12:41
15 Owen Weitzel Roseville PAL Express 12:42
16 Dennis Mandudzo Palo Alto Lightening 12:48
17 RJ Agustin Unattached 12:50
18 David Frisbee Mission Valley 13:10
19 Liam Salbraith Santa Rosa Express 13:19
20 Sergey Cutter Santa Cruz Track Club 13:25
21 Andrew Mellick Roseville PAL Express 13:32
22 Dylan Edelson Pleasanton Heat 13:35
23 Jeremie Ellis Unattached 13:37
24 Christopher Hitchcock Castro Valley 13:38
25 Miguel Velazquez Santa Cruz Track Club 13:43
26 Kyle Gomez-Fowers Unattached 13:46
27 Grant Carson Unattached 13:50
28 Beau Baiocchi Santa Cruz Track Club 14:20
29 Lucas Battles Unattached 14:59
30 Ben Guramie Pleasanton Heat 15:17
31 Jared Kozak Pleasanton Heat 15:31
32 Pedram Namiranian Unattached 15:44
33 SM Kimble Hill Top Speed 15:47
34 Richard Hornor Unattached 16:01
35 Kyle Minor Unattached 19:50
Youth Boys
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Gabriel Avias Pleasanton Heat 14:40
2 Taylor Guinnip Roseville PAL Express 14:52
3 Tristan Martin Roseville PAL Express 15:01
4 Gabe Hurwitt Junior Aggis 15:02
5 Reese Dicks Unattached 15:10
6 Frederick "Fred" Huxham Tamalpa Runners Inc. 15:12
7 Powless Neilson Roseville PAL Express 15:18
8 Billy Hanford Los Gatos TC 15:35
9 Paul Zeiss Roseville PAL Express 15:46
10 Raymundo Lara Above the Grade 16:10
11 Harley Norton Unattached 16:13
12 Reed Horton Unattached 16:16
13 John Nichols San Luis Distance Club 16:19
14 Jake Gray San Luis Distance Club 16:28
15 Tom Sanders Cupertino Pride T&F 16:38
16 Jacobson Grant GP 16:54
17 Steven Cummins Roseville PAL Express 16:55
18 Zachary Beston Pleasanton Heat 17:10
19 Austin Taggart Roseville PAL Express 17:24
20 Caleb Olivarez Castro Valley 17:41
21 Adrian Lemkey Unattached 17:44
22 Joseph Diaz Unattached 18:19
23 David Duncan Jr. Aggies 18:54
24 Barry Nehoran Unattached 18:55
25 August Kiles Team Onalysis 19:01
26 Jeremy Miessau Los Gatos TC 19:02
Intermediate Boys
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Tim Layten Unattached 18:19
2 JP Above the Grade 18:20
3 Dave Nehorah Unattached 21:42
4 Daniel Pierce Bay Hill High School 23:33
5 Carlo Rivas Bay Hill High School 26:37
6 Matt Decker Roseville PAL Express 27:22
Young Men
Place FirstName LastName Team Time
1 Kieren Broussard Full stride 17:26
2 Dustin Sjoerdsma RF United 19:12
3 Beau RF United 19:12
4 Colyn RF United 21:51
5 Bob Eggerth Bayhill High School 22:31


Julia Bounds Profile 2009

Posted by on Mar 22, 2012 in legacy | Comments Off on Julia Bounds Profile 2009

Julia Bounds Profile 2009


Mission Valley TC XC Meet Results

Nov. 1, 2009

William Cann Park in Union City

DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Sub-Bantam-Girls 1 Jaxin Woodward Full Stride TC 7:58
Sub-Bantam-Girls 2 Emily Perez Castro Valley Track Club 9:53
Sub-Bantam-Girls 3 Rachel Guraric Unattached 10:51
Sub-Bantam-Girls 4 Elizabeth Vastand Palo Alto Lightning 11:27
DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Bantam-Girls 1 Julia Bounds Pleasanton Heat 11:29
Bantam-Girls 2 Meredith Corda Pleasanton Heat 13:07
Bantam-Girls 3 Ailey Leduff American Canyon Striders 13:22
Bantam-Girls 4 Claudia Demove Palo Alto Lightning 13:40
Bantam-Girls 5 Ava Agustin Mission Valley 13:41
Bantam-Girls 6 Erin Cummins Roseville PAL Express 14:14
Bantam-Girls 7 Sierra Carmelich Full Stride TC 14:21
Bantam-Girls 8 Emma Peterson Pleasanton Heat 14:50
Bantam-Girls 9 Cathrine Rauch Santa Rosa Express 15:53
DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Midget Girls 1 Elenor Velez Unattached 11:50
Midget Girls 2 Nina Bessolo Castro Valley Track Club 12:09
Midget Girls 3 Priscilla Lee Umoja 12:23
Midget Girls 4 Franny Kiles Onalysis 12:47
Midget Girls 5 Kaitlyn Eklem Pleasanton Heat 12:49
Midget Girls 6 Erica Esparza Umoja 12:52
Midget Girls 7 Dariya Smith Unattached 13:05
Midget Girls 8 Katie Fraticelli Pleasanton Heat 13:39
Midget Girls 9 Keary Norton Unattached 14:05
Midget Girls 10 Hydeia Barney Full Stride 14:34
Midget Girls 11 Hannah Vernot Pleasanton Heat 14:41
Midget Girls 12 Mikaela Williams Umoja 14:45
Midget Girls 13 Effie Nehoran Unattached 14:55
Midget Girls 14 Francesca Chicoine Pleasanton Heat 14:59
Midget Girls 15 Gina Audiss Santa Rosa Express 15:39
Midget Girls 16 Alexandria Geremew Umoja 15:44
Midget Girls 17 Antogone Pirattano Umoja 16:41
Midget Girls 18 Camille Johnson Umoja 16:59
DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Youth Girls 1 Sophie Hartley Unattached 14:19
Youth Girls 2 Amihan Agustin Mission Valley 16:16
Youth Girls 3 Monique Esparza Umoja 16:28
Youth Girls 4 Megan Wenzel Unattached 16:28
Youth Girls 5 Kylie Joerger Roseville PAL Express 20:20
Youth Girls 6 Havana Coleman Umoja 25:14:00
DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Open Girls 1 Emily Fijat Bayhill 30:13:00
DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Sub-Bantam Boys 1 Nicholas Clay Roseville PAL Express 8:06
Sub-Bantam Boys 2 Kirtis Lee Umoja 8:48
Sub-Bantam Boys 3 Russell Agustin Mission Valley 8:53
Sub-Bantam Boys 4 Gabe Gomez SLG 10:33
Sub-Bantam Boys 5 A.J. Gurmanie Unattached 13:00
DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Bantam Boys 1 Timmy Falls Pleasanton Heat 11:35
Bantam Boys 2 Kent Slaney Palo Alto Lightning 12:00
Bantam Boys 3 Jason Gomez SLG 12:08
Bantam Boys 4 Gavin Hill Castro Valley 12:09
Bantam Boys 5 Charlie Velez Unattached 12:12
Bantam Boys 6 Sam Reynolds Pleasanton Heat 12:22
Bantam Boys 7 Miguel Dickenson Pleasanton Heat 12:29
Bantam Boys 8 Miles Worthen Roseville PAL Express 12:47
Bantam Boys 9 Skyler Haataja Palo Alto Lightning 13:06
Bantam Boys 10 Elijah Gwin Palo Alto Lightning 13:44
Bantam Boys 11 Dustin Decker Pleasanton Heat 13:53
Bantam Boys 12 Tarer Nasr Palo Alto Lightning 14:20
Bantam Boys 13 Gregor Dairaghi Palo Alto Lightning 14:33
Bantam Boys 14 George Yoshinaga Unattached 14:35
Bantam Boys 15 Austin Mellick Roseville PAL Express 14:39
Bantam Boys 16 Leon Jordan Airer Castro Valley Track Club 15:24
Bantam Boys 17 Joey Fraticelli Pleasanton Heat 15:26
Bantam Boys 18 Roy Nehoram Unattached 15:28
Bantam Boys 19 Elijah Sherratt Roseville PAL Express 15:55
DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Midget Boys 1 Ben Zaeske Pleasanton Heat 11:09
Midget Boys 2 Peter Schlachte Pleasanton Heat 11:11
Midget Boys 3 Alexander King Unattached 11:42
Midget Boys 4 Romain Hardy Pleasanton Heat 11:46
Midget Boys 5 Logan Taggart Roseville PAL Express 11:49
Midget Boys 6 Nick Coumon Pleasanton Heat 12:06
Midget Boys 7 Ryan May Pleasanton Heat 12:34
Midget Boys 8 Dennis Mandudzo Palo Alto Lightning 12:41
Midget Boys 9 Ian Stuertz Unattached 13:02
Midget Boys 10 Patrick Odome Full Stride TC 13:12
Midget Boys 11 Dylan Edelson Pleasanton Heat 13:14
Midget Boys 12 Liam Salbraith Santa Rosa Express 13:15
Midget Boys 13 RJ Agustin Mission Valley 13:18
Midget Boys 14 Andrew Mellick Roseville PAL Express 13:20
Midget Boys 15 Page Thibodeaux Palo Alto Lightning 13:46
Midget Boys 16 Justin Fang Palo Alto Lightning 14:02
Midget Boys 17 Justin Plott Santa Rosa Express 14:10
Midget Boys 18 David Frisbee Mission Valley 14:13
Midget Boys 19 Jared Kozak Pleasanton Heat 14:38
Midget Boys 20 Ben Guramie Unattached 15:16
Midget Boys 21 Nicholas Rauch Santa Rosa Express 16:46
DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Youth Boys 1 Gabriel Avias Pleasanton Heat 13:57
Youth Boys 2 Taylor Guinnip Roseville PAL Express 14:25
Youth Boys 3 Matt Whitman Pleasanton Heat 14:59
Youth Boys 4 Simon Novich Pamakid Running Club 15:10
Youth Boys 5 Harley Norton Unattached 15:27
Youth Boys 6 Zachary Beston Pleasanton Heat 16:07
Youth Boys 7 Steven Cummins Roseville PAL Express 16:23
Youth Boys 8 Caleb Olivarez Castro Valley 16:56
Youth Boys 9 Austin Taggart Roseville PAL Express 17:45
Youth Boys 10 August Kiles Onalysis 19:18
Youth Boys 11 Barry Nehoran Unattached 21:08
DivisionID Place FirstName LastName Team Time
Open Boys 1 Bob Eggath Bayhill 19:48
Open Boys 2 Carlo Rivas Bayhill 21:24
Open Boys 3 Daniel Pierce Bayhill 22:34
Open Boys 4 Michael Lurche Bayhill 30:52:00




©  2009 Silver Lumsdaine and Pacific Association. All rights reserved.


Pacific Association/USATF Athlete Profile 

Julia Bounds

By Silver Lumsdaine

PA/USATF Communications Intern

Photos courtesy of

Julia Bounds 2008a
When Julia Bounds crossed the finish line at the 2008 USA Track
& Field National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships,
held at Pole Green Park in Mechanicsville, Virginia, tears were in
her eyes. Her feet were numb from the cold and she was spent from
her efforts. Then the 9-year-old Bantam Girls national cross country
champion spied her mom through the crowd and mouthed the
words, “I won! I won!”

Her coach, Willie Young, never had any doubts. Young, now
entering his 19th year as Head Coach and Team Manager of the
Palo Alto Lightning Track Club, had e-mailed Julia’s dad, Jay
Bounds, before the race. In that e-mail, coach Young said, “Julia’s
going to win this.”

Jay Bounds described his emotions upon seeing his daughter cross
the finish line, capturing the win in the Bantam Girls division (for
girls ages 10 and under), and earning her first national
championship title: “Pride. Awe. Amazement. I was shaking
because I was so happy for her,” he said. “She started off with a
goal to win, and put it all out there and did it.”

Julia’s time of 11 minutes, 34 seconds for the 3-kilometer course
was a scant two seconds ahead of second placer Danae Rivers of
the New Haven (Connecticut) Age Group Track Club.

Coach Young’s pre-race directions to Julia were to get out quickly
from the starting gun and avoid getting caught in a first-turn

“I told her that she had the number two best time in the country,”
Young said. “The number one person is going to be here, but on
any given day you can always beat this person, and this is your
day. You are going to do this.”

Julia Bounds in the lead of the Bantam Girls pack
at the 2009 National Junior Olympic XC
When the gun sounded, the 221 young athletes raced for the first turn. Julia was running in about 5th place. She gradually
moved up until she was vying for first. At the urging of coach Young, Julia shifted gears and pulled away for the win.

That made three big wins in a row for the youngster. To compete in the JO National Championship meet, Julia had to
qualify—through the Pacific Association JO Championship and USATF Region 14 JO Championship meets. She handily
topped all Bantam Girls at these qualifying events.

Despite Julia’s extraordinary achievement, Julia’s mother, Norleen Bounds, said that her daughter is just like any normal
9-year-old girl. Julia attends the Carey School in San Mateo, Calif. where she enjoys art, PE, and math.

“I like math,” Julia said, “because in my class, math usually has something to do with food.”

According to her mother, the young Bounds plays the piano, loves singing and performing, likes to write and listen to
music, and she especially loves animals. Along with two dogs, two cats, and a hamster, the Bounds family has a relatively
recent new addition—a rabbit.

Norleen Bounds promised Julia the rabbit if she qualified for last summer’s USATF National Junior Olympic Track & Field
Championships. Given this incentive, Julia turned in a 1,500-meter qualifier for the big meet, where she finished 10th
among Bantam Girls. Her time was 5:34.83, despite stumbling when another racer stepped on her foot.

So, Julia earned her new rabbit, who happened to have a famous name.

 “We got the bunny at the SPCA,” Norleen Bounds said, “where they named her Cindy because she has this big black spot
that looks like (fashion model) Cindy Crawford’s mole.”

Julia displayed an aptitude for sports since she was very young.
Norleen Bounds recalls that her daughter excelled at soccer,
gymnastics, swimming, “whatever sport she could do.” When she
was 8 years old, Julia ran her first 5-kilometer race and placed 2nd
in the 12-and-under age group.

The following spring, Julia joined the Palo Alto Lightning Track
Club, a youth PA/USATF club with about 39 members, ranging
from 5 to 18-years-old.

Head Coach Willie Young focuses on complete conditioning for his
young charges, who run on and around the Stanford University
track. Practices include basic warm-up drills, stretches, and
conditioning based on where his athletes are in the competitive
season. He balances endurance training with sprint training, adding
in jump rope and push ups for coordination and upper body

“Julia gives her all. We ask for 150 percent and she does it,” coach
Young said. “She’s funny. She has a very good sense of humor. She
can focus, though, because she wants to win.”

 “She loves it,” her mother added. “She loves coach Willie and
coach Michael (assistant coach Michael Davidson). She loves being
with the team, training with the team, encouraging others. The
camaraderie, and helping others get better, helps keep her interest.

“She has days [when] she’ll go to soccer practice for an hour-and-a-
half, then to track practice for an hour-and-a-half. Then she’ll come
home and be bouncing off the walls. Very high energy.”

Julia Bounds 2008c
Julia charges to victory.
Julia’s mother, however, stresses the importance of balance. She realizes that,
at some point, her daughter will have to choose between club soccer and
higher level track competition. She said Julia already knows she may have to
drop her soccer down to a less competitive level to fit everything in.

“She’s fine with that,” said Norleen. “She clearly loves track and cross

When asked what she enjoyed most about competing at cross country JO
Nationals, Julia replied, “What’s really fun is that I get to meet different
people. I like meeting my competition and making friends. I also like the
feeling when I run, and I get to travel to different places.”

For 2009, “different places” include spring track meets in Los Angeles, where
Julia is looking forward to a return visit to Disneyland. (She loves roller
coasters.) She’s also looking forward to improving on her 10th place finish at
last year’s JO track nationals. She feels that she’s much stronger this year,
with a cross country season and solid training behind her. A top-3 finish and
All-American honors are her goals.

As lofty as these goals seem, coach Young thinks they are attainable.

“She’s a great young lady,” he said.

In fact, Julia reminds Young of another exceptional young runner.

“I can see Julia as possibly the second coming of Jordan Hasay,” he said.

Now, that’s something to shoot for.


Story published in late January, 2009

Julia Bounds 2008b
Julia Bounds, 2008 Bantam Girls
National Junior Olympic Cross
Country Champion