USATF Pacific

2014 USATF Outdoor Open Track & Field Championships

Relive the 2014 USATF Outdoor Track & Field Championships!

Presented by The Pacific Association/USATF and the Sacramento Sports Commission



Updated July 8, 2014

PA Assoc Officer nominations now open

Posted by on Feb 17, 2021 in Coach, Elite Athlete, Masters LDR, Mtn-Ultra-Trail Running, pausatf, Road Racing, Track & Field, XC, Youth | 0 comments

2021-2022 USATF Pacific Officer Elections

Now Open Until 16 March


This is an election year for all elected officer positions on the Board of Directors. Below you will find relevant info on the upcoming elections. Please consider being a part of the governing body to get us back to running, jumping an throwing again!

Positions open for nomination: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary

Eligibility and Nominations: Click Here refer to Article 5(c)

·        Nominations made electronically must be send to the Association Director at [email protected] (pleasecc [email protected]) with the candidate name, officer position, and names of the nominator and a seconder from the Board of Athletics.

Timeline for Officer Elections:

·        January 19 – Nominations open during the January Board of Athletics meeting. Nominations can be

·        March 16 – Nominations close during the March Board of athletics meeting. (Nominations can be made during meeting)

·        March 18 – One-page candidate statements will be accepted until 11:59PM. Email to [email protected].

·        March 19 -VOTING OPEN: If there are contested positions, ballots will be emailed to voting members.

·        April 18 – VOTING CLOSED: ballots will be accepted until 11:59PM on April 18

·        June 1 – Two year term begins

Duties of Officers: Click Here Refer to Article 6

·        President:

·        Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Board of Athletics,

·        Be a non-voting ex officio member of all committees,

·        Oversee, at the direction of the Board of Athletics, the affairs of this Association and appoint interim chairpersons for committees that do not have procedures for replacing open chair positions or for non-functioning committees.

·        First Vice-President:

·        Be a non-voting ex officio member of all committees,

·        Also perform the duties of the President in the case of disability of the President until a successor is named,

·        Assume such roles as assigned by the President.

·        Second Vice-President:

·        Be a non-voting ex officio member of all committees,

·        Also perform the duties of the President in the case of disability of the President and First Vice-President until a successor is named,

·        Mentor committee chairs,

·        Insure consistency of operating procedures for the Association and its committees,

·        Oversee the operation of the Association website.

·        Assume such roles as assigned by the President.

·        Treasurer:

·        Keep or cause to be kept a correct and complete record of accounts, showing accurately at all times the financial status of this Association.

·        Be responsible for the accounting and security of all funds, notes, securities, and other assets of this Association.

·        Deposit or cause to be deposited all funds of this Association, with such depositories as the Board of Athletics shall designate.

·        Furnish at meetings of the Board of Athletics, or whenever requested, a statement of the financial condition of this Association.

·        Report at least quarterly to the Board of Athletics the current status of the account of each sport committee.

·        Prepare, or cause to be prepared, an annual budget to include the anticipated income and expenses of this Association, and submit such budget to the Board of Athletics at or prior to the first meeting in the fall (usually the September meeting).

·        Be responsible for having the approved budget posted on the Association website.

·        Perform, or cause to be performed, an audit of the financial records of this Association when directed by the Board of Athletics.

·        Review and confirm the accuracy of financial reports generated by the office under the direction of the Executive Director.

·        File, or cause to be filed, annual tax returns.

·        Be responsible for the appointment of and be a member of the Financial and Audit Committee.

·        Secretary:

·        Keep or cause to be kept all records of this Association, and all minutes of meetings of this Association, Board of Directors, and Board of Athletics;

·        Have the unapproved minutes of all meetings, except any closed portion, posted on the Pacific Association website within thirty days of such meetings. The approved minutes will be reposted within thirty days of their approval if there are any changes at the next meeting of the Board of Athletics.

·        In conjunction with the office, keep the current list of the members of the Board of Athletics and the Board of Directors, who they represent, and when their terms of office expire and have them posted on the Association website.

·        Oversee the committee elections as defined in Article 5(l).

Stephanie Trafton
[email protected]

PA Abuse Prevention Systems Webinar

Posted by on Jan 11, 2021 in Coach, coaching education, pausatf, Track & Field, XC, Youth | 0 comments

USATF Abuse Prevention Systems Webinar with Gregory Love

In a continuing effort to create a safe and healthy environment for our participants, USATF invites you to a unique opportunity to hear from one of the nation’s leaders in abuse prevention training and risk management. Gregory Love is hosting a live seminar for ALL USATF member that will educate USATF members on effective, efficient, and inexpensive tools you can use to reduce the risk of sexual abuse in your programs on Tuesday, January 12 at 8:30pm ET. You don’t want to miss it. REGISTER HERE!

(Note: once you click this link, you will be directed to a Philadelphia Insurance event page, Next to “Event Status: not started” you will see a link to register. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you used to register.)

COACHES Level 1 School via Zoom – 29 Jan-1 Feb info

Posted by on Jan 8, 2021 in Coach, pausatf, Track & Field, Youth | 0 comments

Become a USATF Level 1 Coach at Home!

USATF has begun the delivery of online Level 1 Schools via Zoom in real-time across a four-day schedule. The Pacific Level 1 School will be 29 Jan-1 Feb and taught by veteran Pacific coaches Dave Shrock-Ken Grace and April Smith in addition to SoCal coach Chris Richardson.

Click here for school info and registration link

RW Clinics for Race Walk Judges and Race Walk Officials

Posted by on Dec 29, 2020 in Coach, Officials, pausatf, Race Walking | 0 comments

The USATF Pacific Association is holding Zoom clinics to train new Race Walk Judges and Race Walk Officials.  We encourage attendance by current USATF officials who would like to add race walk judging to their ID cards, and by athletes, coaches, parents, and friends.  Race walking is an Olympic sport and part of the track and field events at USATF Youth meets, including the Junior Olympics and the qualifying meets held in the Pacific Association.  We also have a Race Walking Grand Prix in the Pacific Association, with distances ranging from 1500 meters to 20 kilometers.

There are two opportunities to take the “Introduction to Race Walk Judging” clinic:

  • Saturday, January 9, 2021, from 11:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
  • Sunday, February 21, 2021, from 11:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.

To register for either of these free clinics, please go to

2021 Clinic Sign-Ups (   .

The syllabus for the clinic is available as a Word file at  or as a PDF at  .

The syllabus also contains the questions for the Rules Review that will be covered in the clinic.  We’ll be using the USATF 2020 Competition Rules, available at  .

For adults (ages 18 and older), in addition to taking training clinics, USATF has three basic requirements for officials, which can be found at

or   .  These include (1) being a current member of USATF, (2) having a background check, and (3) taking SafeSport training.

For youth ages 14-17, USATF has initiated a Junior Officials Program.  Information about this new program can be found at  .  You are welcome to register for the upcoming clinic.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like a copy of the syllabus.

Thanks for your interest.


Chair, USATF Pacific Association Race Walk Committee