USATF Pacific

RW USATF Pacific COVID-19 Virtual Race Walks Results

Below is the list of winners of the highly prized, matching California and Nevada pins (handmade from various CA & NV rocks) for the top three women, top three men, and top three age-graded athletes in the USATF Pacific Association COVID-19 Virtual Race Walks.  There were five virtual races in 2020 and five in 2021.  For details on all the races, please see, where Nicolle Goldman has posted results, photos, and stories.  CLICK HERE for the results (also from Nicki) of the One-Hour virtual race.

To claim your prizes, come participate in the race walk(s) on Sunday, September 26, at William Pond Park in Carmichael (Sacramento area).  Details on the races (Pacific Association Grand Prix and USATF Western Region 10K, 20K, and perhaps shorter races on the 1-kilometer-loop road course) will be forthcoming and will be posted on the same website.  If you can’t race that day, come as a volunteer.  If you can’t make it that day, you can get your prize from me whenever you let me know you’ll be at a race where Beth and I will be judging.

Congratulations to our Olympians, Robyn & Nick!  Had they not been in Japan, they probably would have won more pins.

Name                                    Number of pairs of pins won

Karen Stoyanowski              15

Robyn Stevens                     14 (highest age grade, 90.45%)

Nick Christie                        13

Adrian Zamudio                    7

Aleshka McPretl                             5

Joanne Figone                        5

David Swarts                         5

Alan Pochi                             4

Susan Mears                           3

Mark Green                            3

Tom Dooley                           3

Talia Green                            3

Joseph Darcy                         2

Adeline Johnson                    2

Nicolle Goldman                   1

Alex Price                              1

Maryanne Daniel                   1

Keith Bunker                         1


Congratulations also to Robyn for taking on the responsibility of Chair of the Pacific Association Race Walk Committee, effective January 1.



Soon-to-be Past Chair