USATF Pacific

We lose Thom Trimble – the PA’s First Webmaster

thom trimble 2008Thom Trimble at the 2009 California International Marathon where, at age 50, he finished in 2:48.

Thom Trimble suffered a heart attack while running on Sunday, January 4, 2014, and passed away shortly thereafter. Mark Winitz is compiling an “in memoriam” article, so please send any notes and photos you might have about Thom to Mark.

Below is a very brief summary of Thom, for those of you who did not know him well. Those of us who knew him well were blessed to have him as a friend.Thom, a long-time engineer with PG&E, was on the cutting edge of web development, and the PA was very fortunate to have him offer to create the PA’s original website in the mid-1990s. The PA was very likely to be the first USATF association to “go online” with a website. Tom worked tirelessly on the site, updating it regularly to keep it technologically current.

Thom was also a talented, competitive distance athlete. He was active with his club (originally the East Bay Striders, which became the Pacific Striders, and now the Strawberry Canyon Track Club), and he competed regularly on both the PA Road and Cross Country Grand Prix Circuits.

The slide show below shows how evolved through the years under his guidance. Thank you Thom, for all you provided the Pacific Association!

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