USATF Pacific

XC IMPORTANT: Golden Gate Park Open XC Race Course Change.

The traditional two-loop race course for Golden Gate Park’s cross country race this weekend will be unavoidably affected by a one-time event closure, resulting in a lack of venue access to Lindley Meadow.

Click here to see the modified course. Note that in the written instructions with the map, the first sentence reads “exit the polo fields at the SW corner”, it should be the “SE” corner,

Please read this carefully, mark this urgent, and pass along this updated information to your club members and their support base.

Plan for changes to the following items:

*Race start/finish points
*Club staging areas in bleachers
*Registration site
*Porta-let site
*Race distance change
*Race course change
*Race parking general area change

This weekend’s race will more closely resemble the 6K course at USATF Club Nationals rather than our familiar two-loop course, but we will still base ourselves on the north side of GG Park.
Basics directions:

1. Take Fulton to 30th Ave.
2. L (SOUTH) on 30th Ave. which dead ends at Liundley meadow at JFK Drive.
3. RACE NOT AT LINDLEY MEADOW this year, so drive WEST 300-400 meters further west on JFK Drive to Spreckles Lake area.
4. Park near there, cross JFK and and enter Polo Fields on foot via North Tunnel near GG Park Horse stables.
5. Race distance is approx. 6K
6. There will be signage posted to help guide you to the race start and registration areas which will be on the Polo Fields
7. This is only a one-time change and we will be reverting to the two-loop course next year and will also utilize our tried and true two-and three-loop race courses for the PA-USATF XC Championships in November.