USATF Pacific

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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Sydnie Bunel the Bronze Bombshell


MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – The nation’s top youth track and field competitors headed to Myrtle Beach, SC for the 2011 World Youth Track & Field Trials and the 2011 USA Youth Outdoor Track & Field Championships, June 28- July 3 at Doug Shaw Stadium.


80m hurdles – Sydnie Bunel of LSI Sprint took to Myrtle Beach to battled for supremacy in the midget girls’ 80m hurdles. Windy but not Worried she Qualified in the Prelims with a Time of 13.56 to advance to the finals. In the Finals Sydnie would run a Personal Best of 12.96, good enough take the podium and Bronze Medalist behind Durham Striders teammates Kayla Moore and Kenyae Austin with thier times of 12.86 and 12.87.


“I thought her efforts were good despite some of the challenges she faced this season,” said LSI Head Coach Alexander Hill. “Overall I’m please with the outcome.


We have a saying at LSI “It doesn’t matter what you do now, what matters is what you do when it counts” and to run a Personal Best, the very last race of the season makes it that more time tested and true. Sydnie has a great deal of talent and potential and at 12 years old we have plenty time to extract her best performances.”


Pacific Association would Like to congratulate PA Member, US #9 and National Youth All American Sydnie Bunel for her continued success and improvement in USA Track and Field.



The Youth Championships is a national competition with entry based upon qualifying standards for each event and has the same age divisions as the USATF Junior Olympic Program: Bantam (10 and under), Midget (11-12), Youth (13-14), Intermediate (15-16) and Young Women/Men (17-18). The USA Youth Outdoor Track & Field Championships are also scored for team championships in all age divisions.





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