
2008 Officials News


10/17 - Lorri Coppola's memorial mass is Nov. 15. More information
4/26 - Lorri Coppola was surprised at the final track meet at UC Berkeley with recognition of her 10 years of officiating Cal track meets. They described her history and then presented her with a beanie Oskie Bear (mascot). Saturday night Lori attended an ALS fundraiser at the Officers Club at Ft. Mason where she was recognized for her Olympic Torch Run that helped to bring attention to ALS. Lori says,"This is what life is about - helping others and being with wonderful people as much as possible."
4/15 - Road Race Officials Needed
lorri coppola 4/10 - Lorri Coppola's Torch Relay Experience
Photo by Laura Oda courtesy of the Oakland Tribune
4/5 - Glover (l), Connors (r) honored at Stanford Invite
Photo by Charles Murphy

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