Pacific Association Coaches


As some of you may have heard or found out when you went to the youth nationals a couple of weeks ago, the USATF Youth Committee is not recognizing our current background check via LiveScan, fingerprinted with the FBI. The screening program that they are recognizing is TC Logic. The fee for TC logic is $8.00 a year.


Because we did not use TC logic we are not recognized as cleared coaches and we will not get a wrist band to get into the JO in Baltimore for free. Please go to and if this does not work please go to in the Search box key in background. Please bring your receipt with you when you go to JO.


I would like you all to know that Irene Herman, PA President and George Paddeck Backgrounds program director of the PA have been working very hard with the national office to uniformly have one system for next year. If you are NOT going to the JO this year you do not have to get re-background checked with TC logic at this time. We will have more information for everyone as to what system they will be using next year. Thank you all for your understanding as some of you may know that last month has been a very hard month for our association.


Joanne and I will be putting together some dates in the next few months where we will have a town hall meeting at your back door. What that means is we will be out your way in hopes to meet with more teams, coaches and parents to hear from you as to what you feel we can do better. If you are a team, coach or individual that has a place for us to meet please let me know as soon as possible.


One day we would like to go to Sac in the morning and then down to Modesto for lunch. Another day San Jose in the morning and Oakland for Lunch and last would be the Vallejo/Solano area. Please let me know what you would like to talk about and if you would make it to one of these places. These meetings would not take the place of our annual Oct meeting in any way.






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