The 10 Minute Resolution


and 1 and 2 and 3
Most of us go through the ritual of making a New Years Resolution but hardly ever act to resolve anything. 365 days is a mighty long time, long enough to lose focus and forget what we resolved to do in the first place. But what if your New Year's resolution only took 10 minutes? Do you think you would follow through with it? Well here's an idea that might you and your athletes.


Athletes spend a lot of time in school sitting at a desk all day. Something that can ruin their posture and as a result leave their muscles feeling tight. My suggestion would be to remind them to squeeze a couple stretching breaks into their day to loosen up, relax, gain flexibility and assist in recovery. They'll move better and reduce the risk of injury as a result.


So start the New Year off right by having them stretch for five minutes twice a day in addition to any stretching they do during their workout.


To get started, try these five stretches (Courtesy of LSI Sprint Track and Field).







Side Lunge Stretch
Muscles Stretched: Hips, groin and adductors


Starting Position: Start standing upright, with both feet facing forward, double shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips or thighs.


Procedure Keeping your back straight and head in a neutral position, lunge your body to one side, keeping one leg straight. Press your hips down toward the floor.


Coaching Keys Focus, breathe freely and relax the muscle throughout the movement. Stretch until a mild tension is felt. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat procedure with the opposite leg.





Front Lunge
Muscles Stretched: Rectus Femoris, Iliopsoas


Starting Position: Start standing upright, Step forward with the right leg and extend the left leg behind the torso


Procedure Move the hips forward , pushing the right knee infront of the right ankle. Place the hands on the knee or hips to maintain balance.


Coaching Keys Focus, breathe freely and relax the muscle throughout the movement. Stretch until a mild tension is felt. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat procedure with the opposite leg.






Pigeon Sit Stretch
Muscles Stretched: Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Minimus, Gluteus Medius, Piriformis, IT Band


Starting Position: Start in a push-up position on your hand and toes. Slide your right knee forward toward your right hand. Angle your knee, so the outer ankle is touching the floor (see picture). Slide your left leg back as far as comfortable and keep your hips square to the floor.


Procedure Allow the body to lean forward over the knee resting your forarms on the floor for support. Push hips towards the floor and hold.


Coaching Keys Focus, breathe freely and relax the muscle throughout the movement. Stretch until a mild tension is felt. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Fold forward and let your forearms rest on the floor in front of you or fully extend your arm in front of you. Repeat procedure with the opposite leg.





Side Lunge Stretch
Muscles Stretched: Gluteus Maximus, Erector Spinae


Starting Position: Start lying on your back, bend the right knee and bring it towards the chest while keeping the left leg flat against the floor.


Procedure Keeping your back and left leg flat put both hands behind the knee and pull the knee down to the chest as far as possible.


Coaching Keys Focus, breathe freely and relax the muscle throughout the movement. Stretch until a mild tension is felt. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat procedure with the opposite leg. Bringing the knee to the armpit will increase the stretch.





Cross Leg Hip Stretch
Muscles Stretched: Piriformis


Starting Position: Start by Lying on the floor on your back and cross the right ankle over the left knee. Grip the thigh of your left leg with both hands and pull the knee towards you, lifting the foot off the floor.


Procedure Pull the knee further towards you to increase the stretch.


Coaching Keys Focus, breathe freely and relax the muscle throughout the movement. Stretch until a mild tension is felt. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat procedure with the opposite leg.











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