1. Every Youth BOA member must attend at least one Pacific Association BOA meeting a year or have a representative attend in their place
2. At the Association meet (PAC, PA/JO, Region 14) every member of the Youth BOA should be at the meet each day at least one hour before and stay at least one hour after the end of the last event for both Track & Field and Cross Country


A. Chairperson:
1. Represent PAYC at the USATF Annual Meeting and report back to the PAYC on the convention
2. Chair the PAYC meetings and the Youth BOA meetings
3. Solicit agenda items for the PAYC meetings
4. Appoint special or ad hoc subcommittees as is necessary or seen fit to facilitate the business of the PAYC
5. Ex-officio member of all youth subcommittees
6. Shall provide, when requested, advice and guidance on running meets
7. Other duties as may be defined in the Bylaws of the Pacific Association USATF


B. Vice Chairperson:
1. Shall assume the duties of the chairperson in their absence.
2. Shall provide, when requested, advice and guidance on running championship competitions.
3. Ex-officio member of all youth subcommittees.Pacific Association Youth Committee (PAYC) Operating Procedures, page 9
4. Shall insure that an evaluation is performed for each of the youth meets. Shall present the results of this evaluation to the Executive Committee.
5. Secures volunteers for all PA sponsored championship competitions and takes care of their officiating needs throughout the competitions.


C. Secretary:
1. Serve as the official recorder of minutes at meetings. Read minutes of previous meeting at Youth BOA or PAYC when necessary for clarification and document all changes.
2. Maintain records in which the operating procedures, special rules of order, standing rules and minutes of meetings and any amendments are properly recorded and to have the current records available to any member, upon request, at a nominal copying charge.
3. In the absence of the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, to call the PAYC meeting to order and preside at the meeting until the election of a Chairperson Pro-tempore, which shall be the first order of business.
4. Minutes of Youth BOA meetings involving rule changes and all PAYC meetings shall be posted to the PA/USATF youth website within one month after completion of the meeting.
5. Perform other duties normally associated with this office.


D. Track Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to promote the sport of athletics as related to the sport of track events.
2. Shall work with Field Chairperson to insure that a list of currently registered youth clubs and athletes be available at all track and field meets.
3. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.
4. Shall be responsible to maintain record performances as defined in Item 12.
5. Shall work closely with the Field Chairperson to insure any programs developed will not be in conflict with programs developed for field events.
6. Ensure all clubs competing in a sanctioned PA youth meets are in good standing (i.e., all paperwork and fees submitted to PA office and approved, all coaches and parent volunteers are Live Scanned).
7. At championship meets coordinate and facilitate track operations (i.e., set up, clean up and make available all necessary equipment / supplies excluding field event venues). Work with the officials and volunteers to ensure the clerking area is functional. Ensure Finish Line set up and Hurdle set up and break down.


E. Field Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to promote the sport of athletics as related to the sport of field events.
2. Shall work with Track Chairperson to insure that a list of currently registered youth clubs and athletes be available at all track and field meets.
3. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.
4. Shall be responsible to maintain record performances as defined in Item 12.
5. Shall work closely with the Track Chairperson to insure any programs developed will not be in conflict with programs developed for track events.
6. At championship meets coordinate and facilitate field operations (i.e., set up, clean up and make available all necessary equipment / supplies excluding track event venues). Oversee equipment distribution for all field events, ensure that all field events start on time and all equipment is put away at end of event.


F. Cross Country Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to promote cross country as related to youth athletes.
2. Shall insure that a list of currently registered youth clubs and athletes be available at all cross country championship meets.
3. Shall be responsible for the running of the cross country program under the direction of the Youth BOA Chairperson.
4. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.
5. Ensure all clubs competing in a sanctioned PA youth meets are in good standing (i.e., all paperwork and fees submitted to PA office and approved, all coaches and parent volunteers are Live Scanned)


G. Race Walk Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to promote cross country as related to youth athletes.
2. Shall be responsible to maintain record performances as defined in Item 12.
3. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.
H. Records Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible to maintain record performances as defined in Item 12.
2. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.


I. Communications Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to encourage publicity for youth athletes.
2. Shall be responsible to edit and provide articles for USATF magazine.
3. Shall confer continuously with webmaster(s) to assure accuracy and appropriateness of our PA youth section of our website.
4. Reach out to all new youth clubs to educate them on how our Association works and set up mentorships with local clubs in the geographical area if new club requests it.
5. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.


J. Officials Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to recruit individuals to become USATF certified officials.
2. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.
3. Should develop a good relationship with the Pacific Association Officials Committee.
4. Shall provide assistance as requested to insure officials are available for youth meets.
5. In the absence of an officially designated protest committee at any regular season meet, should offer to serve in this capacity.
6. Regarding the PA sponsored championship meets, work to get at least 1-2 officials at each field event.
7. Encourage more volunteers to become officials.


K. Treasurer:
1. Shall be responsible to track the budget for the PAYC.
2. Shall be responsible to track funds collected at fund raising events for the PAYC.
3. Shall insure all funds collected are deposited with the Pacific Association.
4. Shall be responsible for the collection of the funds at all association meets (PAC Championships, Sub-Bantam Championships, Pacific Association Junior Olympic Championships and Region 14 Championships) or have representatives who will be responsible for such duties.
5. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.


L. Multi-Events Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to promote Multi-events as related to Pacific Association youth athletes.
2. Shall be responsible to maintain record performances as defined in Item 12.
3. Shall act as Meet Director for the Region 14 Multi events in the years it is hosted by the PAYC.
4. Should be available to serve as head Multi-events official as required by meet management.
5. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.


M. High School Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible to develop programs, which encourages High School athletes to participate in USA Track and Field youth meets along with their high school programs.
2. Shall help these athletes to insure their eligibility to continue to participate in their high school programs are not jeopardized.
3. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.


N. Membership Chairperson:
1. Shall be responsible for validation of youth club registration.
2. Shall validate that all registered clubs have registered Live Scan coaches and parent volunteers.
3. Validate all youth athletes have submitted acceptable proof of birth prior to championship competition.
4. Shall validate proof of membership prior to championship competition.
5. Insure membership database validations are kept current on the PA/USATF and the national USATF website.
6. Works in partnership with PA/USATF Executive BOA Membership Chair.
7. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist as needed.





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