What products are in the Clif Kid line?

Clif Kid snacks deliver on 3 key areas of parental concern:

  • Fruit
  • Product: Clif Kid Organic Twisted Fruit real fruit rope
  • Kids need 2-4 servings of fruit/day as an important source of many nutrients. Each Organic Twisted Fruit rope qualifies as 1 serving of fruit.

  • Hydration
  • Product: Clif Kid Splashers Drink Mix
  • Dehydration leads to low energy and fatigue. Flavored drinks encourage kids to drink almost twice as much as water alone; Splashers has 1/2 the sugar of apple juice, plus electrolytes help maintain hydration.

  • Whole Grains
  • Product: Clif Kid Organic ZBaR energy bar
  • An excellent source of complex carbohydrates, valuable antioxidants and fiber; they fill kids up and help them avoid energy spikes and the crashes that follow
  • (c) 2009 Pacific Association Sanction Event