Sugar levels in Clif Kid products?

Clif Kid snacks give kids in motion a choice of snacks with the nutrition and energy they need and a taste they really like. Our goal was to energize them with an appropriate balance of sugar and other nutrients as a way of encouraging them to lead active lives.

ZBaR was the first product designed to contain less than 35% of its total weight in sugar to comply with the sugar intake standard for foods available in the California school system set by State Senate Bill 12. And when compared to other treats that appeal to kids such as candy, cookies, soda, and sweets, ZBaR contains less-processed sugars, lower total sugar, and no high fructose corn syrup, a sweetener found in many other kids’ sweets that has been associated with obesity.

Organic Twisted Fruit contains 9g of sugar, which is the naturally occurring fruit sugar from the fruit puree and juice ingredients. We do not add any other sugars to the product.

Splashers contain no more than 14g of organic evaporated cane juice per 8 oz. serving. This is a healthy alternative to drinks such as apple juice or soda, which can contain around 28g of sugar per 8 oz serving. We use organic evaporated cane juice because it does not undergo the same degree of processing that refined sugar does.

(c) 2009 Pacific Association Sanction Event